RAN Cheng,SHAO Xiwen,ZHU Jing,et al.生物炭对苏打盐碱稻田土壤养分及产量的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2019,38(5):46-51.
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冉成, 邵玺文, 朱晶, 张巳奇, 王晓炜, 王文龙,李见博, 韩东, 刘旭, 耿艳秋, 郭丽颖, 刘丽新, 金峰
吉林农业大学 农学院, 长春130118
【目的】探明生物炭对苏打盐碱稻田土壤养分和水稻产量的影响。【方法】于2017—2018年在吉林省白城市舍力镇设置连续2 a的定位试验。以长白9水稻品种为供试材料,采用随机区组设计,设0 t/hm2 (C0)、33.75 t/hm2 (C1)、67.5 t/hm2 (C2)、101.25 t/hm2 (C3) 4个生物炭处理,分析了施用生物炭后苏打盐碱地稻田土壤养分、稻谷产量及其构成因子的变化。【结果】苏打盐碱稻田土壤全氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质的量均随着生物炭的增加而显著增加(P<0.05),但显著降低了土壤碱解氮、铵态氮的量(P<0.05)。施用生物炭显著提高了水稻生物产量和收获指数,生物炭处理(C1、C2、C3处理)水稻生物产量2个试验年度的均值平均增加48.35%、52.09%、57.47%,收获指数表现为C2处理>C1处理>C3处理>C0处理。添加生物炭显著提高了稻谷产量,其中穗数、千粒质量、结实率的增加是主要原因。【结论】施用生物炭可显著提高苏打盐碱稻田土壤养分,改善土壤养分状况,提高水稻产量。
关键词:  生物炭; 苏打盐碱胁迫; 速效养分; 产量构成; 水稻
Amending Soda Saline-alkali Paddy Soil with Biochar Improves Soil Nutrients and Rice Yield
RAN Cheng, SHAO Xiwen, ZHU Jing, ZHANG Siqi, WANG Xiaowei, WANG Wenlong, LI Jianbo, HAN Dong, LIU Xu, GENG Yanqiu, GUO Liying, LIU Lixin, JIN Feng
College of Agriculture, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China
【Objective】 One challenge facing rice growers in soda saline-alkali soil is poor soil nutrients and low yield. This paper presents the results of an experimental study on effectiveness of using biochar to ameliorate these constraints.【Method】 A two-year experiment (2017—2018) was conducted at Sheli Town in Baicheng City, Jilin Province; we used the variety of Changbai 9 as the model plant. The soil was amended with biochar at four levels: 0 t/hm2 (CK), 33.75 t/hm2 (C1), 67.5 t/hm2 (C2) and 101.25 t/hm2 (C3). For each treatment, we measured nutrients in 0~20 cm soil, as well as rice yield.【Result】 Amending the soda saline-alkaline soil with biochar significantly increased total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium and organic matter (P<0.05), yet significantly reduced soil alkaline nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen contents in the top 0~20 cm soil. Compared to CK, C1, C2 and C3 also significantly increased rice yield and the harvest indices by 48.35%, 52.09% and 57.47% respectively; they also improved the panicle number, 1000-grain weight and seed establishing rate. 【Conclusion】Amendment of the soda saline-alkali soil with biochar can improve soil nutrients, thereby increasing yield.
Key words:  biochar; saline-sodic stress; available nutrients; yield composition