NIU Xiaole,QIN Fucang,YANG Zhenqi,et al.黑土区坡耕地几种耕作措施水土保持效益研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2019,38(5):67-72.
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牛晓乐, 秦富仓*, 杨振奇, 李 龙, 李晓琴, 刘力川
内蒙古农业大学 沙漠治理学院, 呼和浩特 010018
我国东北黑土区作为全国水土流失重点区域,其坡耕地的水土流失问题早已备受关注。【目的】采取保护性耕作措施可以大大降低坡耕地的水土流失强度,起到保水保肥的作用。【方法】在10°坡径流小区上,对比分析了黑土区不同耕作措施对坡耕地坡面产流、土壤侵蚀以及土壤养分的影响。【结果】竹节垄Ⅱ与横坡耕作相比,产流起始时间延长38 min,单次降雨径流量减少57.1%,产沙量减少51.9%;0~20 cm土层土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾平均质量分数分别提高5.89%、11.48%、16.54%、21.75%。【结论】在相同降雨条件下,横坡耕作、竹节垄Ⅰ、竹节垄Ⅱ较顺坡耕作均有不同程度的减流减沙作用,竹节垄Ⅱ效果最为明显。
关键词:  坡耕地; 耕作措施; 水土流失; 东北黑土区
Efficacy of Several Tillages in Conserving Soil and Water in Slopping Areas at the Black Soil in Northwest China
NIU Xiaole, QIN Fucang*, YANG Zhenqi, LI Long, LI Xiaoqin, LIU Lichuan
College of Desert Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China
【Objective】 Soil and water loss from slopping areas at the black soil in northeast China is a concern. Conservation tillage has been touted as an alternative to ameliorate soil erosion and improve water and fertilizer use efficiency. The objective of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of several tillages in reducing surface runoff, soil erosion and improving soil nutrients in the sloping areas.【Method】The experiment was conducted on a slope with slope angle of 10° under natural rainfall condition. The surface runoff, and the loss of soil and nutrients under the tillages were measured.【Result】 The bamboo ridge II tillage was most effective; compared to cross-slope tillage, it delayed the onset of surface runoff by 38 min, reduced runoff and sediment rate by 57.1% and 51.9% respectively, thereby increasing organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in 0~20 cm soil by 5.89%, 11.48%, 16.54%, 21.75%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Under the same rainfall condition, the improvement of cross-slope tillage, bamboo-ridge I and bamboo-ridge II tillage in reducing runoff and sediment differed, compared to downslope tillage, with the bamboo ridge II most effective.
Key words:  sloping farmland; tillage measures; soil erosion; the Black Soil region of Northeast China