JING Jian-sheng,LIU Zi-qi,LI Yuan,et al.石漠化治理区不同植被类型浅层土壤水分对降雨的响应[J].灌溉排水学报,2020,(3):-.
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景建生, 刘子琦, 李渊, 王进, 罗鼎, 蔡路路
摘要:【目的】揭示石漠化治理区不同植被类型浅层土壤水分入渗过程的差异性,分析降雨对土壤水分的补给特征,因地制宜的开展灌溉工作。【方法】以花椒地、金银花地、火龙果地、荒地为研究对象,监测了地区降雨量和植被0~10 cm、10~25 cm土层土壤含水率,并计算了土壤储水量、滞后时间、补给速率、补给效率等指标。【结果】①4种植被浅层土壤含水率变化趋势与降雨一致,6月、8月、9月为二者的峰值期;浅层土壤含水率为火龙果地最高,而后依次为荒地、金银花地、花椒地;土壤含水率变异系数火龙果地最小,荒地最大。②植被土壤含水率对小雨量降雨事件的响应较小,仅火龙果地增长11.97%;随降雨量级增大,土壤含水率增长率为火龙果地(7.89%~17.94%),其次为金银花地(0~45.09%)、荒地(0~59.86%)、花椒地(0~126.95%);火龙果地浅层土壤含水率增长率在大雨事件中最小,其它3种样地均为小雨量时增长率小,大雨量时增长率大。③不同植被浅层土壤水分对降雨响应时间有显著差异,大雨量条件下响应快于小、中雨量,0~10 cm土层优于10~25 cm土层;平均滞后时间为荒地0.3 h、火龙果地0.5 h、花椒地0.9 h、金银花地3.0 h;补给效率为火龙果地(64.87%)>荒地(38.16%)>花椒地(31.94%)>金银花地(29.23%)。【结论】丰水期,对火龙果地适当减少人为灌溉,增加地表覆盖以减轻水土流失;对金银花地、花椒地可采取相应保墒措施提高土壤对降雨的利用效率且在雨量较小时增加灌溉,提高入渗量。
关键词:  石漠化;植被类型;土壤水分;降雨
Response of shallow soil moisture to rainfall of different vegetation types in rocky desertification control areas
JING Jian-sheng, LIU Zi-qi, LI Yuan, WANG Jin, LUO Ding, CAI Lu-lu
School of Karst Science , Guizhou Normal University
Abstract:【Objective】The unique geomorphologic features, complex hydrologic process and special vegetation site conditions in karst rocky desertification control areas make the soil water infiltration process and plant growth environment different from that in non-karst areas. As an important water source of plant life activities, shallow soil moisture has a certain response relationship with rainfall. It is of great practical significance to study the recharge characteristics of rainfall to shallow soil moisture of different vegetation types. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to reveal the difference of shallow soil moisture infiltration process among different vegetation types in rocky desertification control areas, analyze the characteristics of rainfall replenishment to soil moisture, and carry out the irrigation work according to local conditions.【Method】Zanthoxylum bungeanum land, Lonicera japonica land, Hylocereus undulatus land and wasteland were studied. The rainfall and the soil moisture content of different soil layers (0~10 cm and 10~25 cm) in the areas were monitored, and the soil moisture storage, lag time, effective recharge rate and effective recharge efficiency were calculated.【Results】①The change trend of shallow soil moisture content among four different vegetation types was consistent with rainfall, and June、August and September were the peak periods of the changing. The content of shallow soil moisture from more to less in proper order are: Hylocereus undulatus land, wasteland, Lonicera japonica land, Zanthoxylum bungeanum land; The variation coefficient of soil moisture content of Hylocereus undulatus land was the smallest, and wasteland was the largest. ②The response of soil moisture content to the sprinkle was not obvious, only the Hylocereus undulatus land increased by 11.97%; With the increase of rainfall level, the changes of soil moisture content of Hylocereus undulatus land ranged from 7.89% to 17.94%, followed by Lonicera japonica land (0~45.09%), wasteland (0~59.86%), and Zanthoxylum bungeanum land (0~126.95%). The growth rate of shallow soil moisture content of Hylocereus undulatus land was the smallest in heavy rain event, while the growth rate of other three plots was small in light rain and large in torrential rain. ③The response of shallow soil moisture of this four vegetation types to rainfall was significantly different. Under the condition of heavy rainfall, the response time was faster than that of small and medium rainfall, and the layer 0~10 cm was better than that of 10~25 cm. The average lag time of wasteland was 0.3 h, Hylocereus undulatus land was 0.5 h, Zanthoxylum bungeanum land was 0.9 h, and Lonicera japonica land was 3.0 h. The order of effective recharge efficiency was Hylocereus undulatus land (64.87%)> wasteland (38.16%)>Zanthoxylum bungeanum land (31.94%)>Lonicera japonica land (29.23%).【Conclusion】For Hylocereus undulatus land, reducing artificial irrigation and increasing land cover in wet season can reduce soil erosion. For Lonicera japonica land and Zanthoxylum bungeanum land, the corresponding keep moisture measures should be taken to improve the utilization efficiency of rainfall, and irrigation and infiltration should be increased when the rainfall is deficient.
Key words:  rocky desertification; vegetation types; soil moisture; rainfall