wangzhe,xiahui,yuanhao,et al.不同基质及灌水量对番茄幼苗生长的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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王哲, 夏辉, 袁浩, 孟圆, 赵新凯
【目的】筛选适合番茄幼苗生长的育苗基质以及适宜的灌水量。【方法】于2018年8―9月在河北农业大学城乡建设学院农水实验室温室大棚内进行番茄育苗,研究了3种基质配方(原状土、沙子与蛭石体积比为8∶1∶1的S1基质,购买于河北省保定市莲池区保育栽培厂的S2基质,草炭土、珍珠岩与蛭石体积比为3∶1∶1的S3基质)、2种不同灌水量(W1为40 mm、W2为30 mm)情况下番茄的出苗率与幼苗形态生长情况。【结果】S3基质出苗率最大,能够较好地满足番茄种子发芽,低灌水量W2能够更好促进番茄种子萌发出苗,播种第8天出苗率达64.58%。 S2基质有利于番茄幼苗地上部的生长,高灌水量W1有利于S1、S2与S3基质茎粗、叶片数、叶面积及地上部鲜质量的增加,S2W1处理分别日均增长0.02 mm、0.19个、11.66 mm2、6.42 mg;而低灌水量W2则有利于S1、S2与S3基质株高的增加,S2W2处理日均增长0.18 cm。S1基质有利于番茄地下部的生长,但灌水量对S1、S2与S3基质地下部生长指标的表现不同,S1W2处理根长日均增长2.27 mm,S1W1处理根径、根表面积、根体积日均增长0.03 mm、6.57mm2、1.30 mm3。【结论】S3基质低灌水量W2有利于番茄种子萌发出苗,S1与S2基质高灌水量W1分别有利于番茄幼苗地下部与地上部的生长。
关键词:  番茄;育苗基质;灌水量;出苗率;幼苗形态
Effects of different substrates and irrigation amount on the growth of tomato seedlings
wangzhe, xiahui, yuanhao, mengyuan, zhaoxinkai
Agricultural University of Hebei
【Objective】We aimed to select the suitable substrate and irrigation amount for tomato seedling growth.【Method】Tomato seedlings were raised in Greenhouse of agricultural water Laboratory of urban and Rural Construction College of Hebei Agricultural University from August to September 2018. The emergence rate and seedling growth of tomato under three kinds of substrate formulations (S1 substrate of undisturbed soil, sand and vermiculite with a volume ratio of 8:1:1; S2 substrate purchased from conservation cultivation plant in Lianchi District, Baoding City, Hebei Province; S3 substrate of peat soil, perlite and vermiculite with a volume ratio of 3:1:1)and two different irrigation rates(W1 is 40mm and W2 is 30mm)were studied. 【Result】The emergence rate of substrate S3 was the highest, which could better satisfy the germination of tomato seeds. The low-irrigation water W2 could better promote the germination of tomato seeds. The seedling emergence rate of tomato on the 8th day of sowing reached 64.58%. S2 substrate was beneficial to the growth of the abovemate of tomato seedlings. High irrigation W1 was beneficial to the increase of stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area and aboveground fresh mass in S1, S2 and S3 substrate. The average daily growth of S2W1 treatment was 0.02 mm, 0.19, 11.66 mm2, 6.42 mg. But low irrigation W2 was beneficial to the increase of plant height in S1, S2 and S3 substrate. The average daily growth of S2W2 treatment was 0.18 cm. S1 substrate was beneficial to the growth of tomato subsurface, but the performance of irrigation water on the growth indexes of S1, S2 and S3 substrate was different. The root length average daily growth of S1W2 treatment increased by 2.27 mm, and the root diameter, root surface area and root volume of S1W1 treatment increased by 0.03 mm, 6.57 mm2, 1.30 mm3. 【Conclusion】The low irrigation amount W2 of S3 substrate is beneficial to the seedling emergence of tomato seeds, and the high irrigation amount W1 of S1 and S2 substrate is beneficial to the growth of the underground and aboveground parts of tomato seedlings.
Key words:  tomato;nursery substrates;irrigation amount;emergence rate;seedling morphology