Yang Kai.水田建设生态保护与可持续发展可行性分析[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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关键词:  水田建设;生态保护;可持续;可行性
Feasibility Analysis of Ecological Protection and Sustainable Development in Paddy Field Construction
Yang Kai
(Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co.,Ltd., Xi''an 710075, China)
The balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation is an important system for protecting cultivated land determined by China. It has a significant impact on alleviating land supply and demand contradictions, ensuring the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land and food security. The new requirement is to make up first and then occupy, to take advantage of and to take advantage of, and to take up paddy fields. Due to the past ten years, nearly a large proportion of the cultivated land occupied by construction during the development of Xi''an was paddy fields, while the paddy fields supplemented in the same period far from reaching the same proportion. However, the existing balance of cultivated land occupation and supplementation is much more difficult to supplement the paddy field than the dry land and irrigated land. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the supplementary construction of the paddy field. Based on ecological protection and sustainable development, this paper analyzes the feasibility of implementing paddy field construction in Xi''an, with a view to providing some reference for paddy field project construction.
Key words:  Paddy field construction; ecological protection; sustainable; feasibility