引用本文:杨海洋,袁 远,王江彦,等.河南淮河流域褐土非点源氮输出的人工降雨模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2022,():-.
YANG Hai-yang,YUAN Yuan,WANG Jiang-yan,et al.河南淮河流域褐土非点源氮输出的人工降雨模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2022,():-.
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杨海洋, 袁 远, 王江彦, 申 冲, 杨国馨, 吴明作
【目的】研究降雨强度和秸秆还田对氮元素流失的影响,为淮河流域农田非点源输出量化、区域农田非点源污染控制与管理等提供依据。【方法】以河南淮河流域典型土壤(褐土)及其是否秸秆还田为对象,人工模拟0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0 mm/min降雨强度下径流、泥沙、氮元素流失状况。【结果】降雨强度越大,累积径流量、泥沙量、氮元素输出量及其产生速率均较大;径流氮元素浓度在降雨初期变化较大,具有初期冲刷效应,随后波动但最终相对稳定或略有降低,平均浓度未掺混秸秆时以2.0 mm/min时最大,其次为3.0 mm/min,掺混秸秆后以1.5 mm/min时最大;氮元素通过泥沙输出的量占总输出量的92.8%以上,但掺混秸秆后其比重有所降低。秸秆还田后,低降雨强度下可减少径流与泥沙流失量,高降雨强度下增加泥沙流失量;径流氮元素浓度比无秸秆的高,增加了氮元素的累积输出量。累积径流量与泥沙量间及两者分别与氮元素输出量之间均存在良好的幂函数关系,相关系数均在0.900以上。【结论】降雨强度、土壤类型与是否秸秆还田均对径流、泥沙、氮元素输出等产生影响,可能存在引起明显变化的降雨强度,未掺混秸秆时约为1.0 mm/min,掺混秸秆时为1.5 mm/min;减少农田非点源氮输出负荷的重要途径包括控制产流初期氮流失与泥沙流失,选择适宜的秸秆还田时间。
关键词:  农田非点源;氮输出;人工降雨;径流;泥沙;秸秆还田;淮河流域;河南省
Rainfall simulation of non-point source nitrogen output from typical soils in Huaihe River Watershed, Henan Province
YANG Hai-yang, YUAN Yuan, WANG Jiang-yan, SHENG Chong, YANG Guo-xin, WU Ming-zuo
School of Forestry,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou Henan 450002
【Objective】The aim is to identify the effects of rainfall intensity and straw returning on nitrogen loss, to provide a basis in Huaihe River watershed for quantifing and controlling of farmland non-point source output and for regional environment management.【Method】Taking typical soil (cinnamon soil) and its straw mixed soils in Huaihe River watershed of Henan Province as object, rainfall intensity of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 mm/min were simulated to study the surface runoff, sedment and nitrogen loss.【Result】The larger the rainfall intensity, the larger the cumulative runoff, sediment, nitrogen output and their output rate. The nitrogen concentration in runoff changed much at early stage of the rainfall process, showing an earlier flush effect, and then fluctuated to be relative stable or slightly decline at the end; its average concentration without straw mixed reached highest at 2.0 mm/min and higher at 3.0 mm/min, while highest at 1.5 mm/min when mixed straw. The amount of nitrogen loss through sediment accounts for above 92.8% of total loss, and lower when mixed straw. After straw returning, surface runoff and sediment loss could be reduced under low rainfall intensity, but sediment loss can be increased under high rainfall intensity; the nitrogen concentration is higher than that without mixed straw, which increases the cumulative nitrogen output. There is a good power function relationship between cumulative runoff and sediment and nitrogen output, all the correlation coefficients were above 0.900.【Conclusion】Rainfall intensity, soil type and straw returning had effects on surface runoff, sediment and nitrogen output; there is a rainfall intensity induced an obvious change of nitrogen output, the intensity is 1.0 mm/min without mixed straw and 1.5 mm/min when mixed straw; the important mean for controlling farmland non-point source load include controlling nitrogen loss at earlier rainfall stage and sediment loss, appropriate returning time should be considered when return straw.
Key words:  farmland non-point source; nitrogen output; artificial rainfall; runoff; sedment loss; straw returning; Huaihe River Watershed; Henan Province