DU Hulin,FENG Qi,SHL Xlngen,et al.直插式根灌节水装置设计及应用示例[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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关键词:  干旱区,直插式根灌,节水技术,灌溉,装置
Water-saving Device Design and Application examples of Straight-tube RootSIrrigation
DU Hulin1, FENG Qi2,1, SHL Xlngen3, WU Jianming4, SUN Peng4
1.Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,LanZhou GanSu ,China;2.Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology of Inland River Basin,CAS,LanZhou GanSu ,China;3.Institute of Scientific and Technological Information, Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture;4.Institute of Scientific and Technological Information,Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture
It is one of the main measures for the efficient utilization of water resources in arid areas to innovate and develop high-efficiency water-saving irrigation technologies. Aiming at the needs of the development of water-saving irrigation technologies for economic forest and artificial ecological forest in arid areas of northwest China, in combination with the characteristics of hydrology, climate, and soil in arid areas, and to solve some scientific problems and technical difficulties existing in the high-efficiency water-saving irrigation in arid areas, this paper proposes a "water-saving straight tube root irrigation technology", and the corresponding structural design, manufacture and test data of its root irrigation device, to restrain the water evaporation loss in the surface soil in arid regions, solve the problems of low utilization efficiency and high waste rate of irrigation water in arid areas, and provide the related test data and results for the further research and application of water-saving straight tube root irrigation technologies. As an underground drip irrigation technology with high efficiency and water-saving functions, the straight tube root irrigation technology mentioned here can enhance the effective utilization of irrigation water, improve the efficiency of irrigation, and play a positive role in creating a new way of highly-efficient water-saving irrigation technologies for efficiently utilizing water resources, developing fruit economic forest, constructing artificial ecological forest, controlling desertification, and researching high-efficiency water-saving irrigation technologies in arid areas of northwest China.
Key words:  Arid area; Straight tube root irrigation; Water-saving technology; Irrigation; Device