QIN Fufeng,WANG Li,QIN Andi.中小河流治理切滩工程分析[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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秦夫锋1, 王莉2, 秦安迪3
关键词:  切滩工程;中小河流;河道治理;龙王河
Analysis on River Management and Beach Cutting Project of Medium and Small Rivers
QIN Fufeng1, WANG Li2, QIN Andi3
1.Shilianzi Water Service Center of Junan County;2.Dongying Branch Center of ShanDong Water Diversion Project Operation and Maintenance Center;3.Lanshan Construction Engineering Service Center of Rizhao City
In order to fully understand the complexity and sensitivity of the beach cutting project, ensure the smooth implement of medium and small-sized river management, this paper takes the Longwang River beach cutting project as an example to analyze the influence and reasons of its failure to implement. The failure to implement has resulted in some consequences such as increasing investment, extending the construction period, causing river channel sedimentation, and not meeting the flood control requirements. The direct reason for its failure is that the beach cutting area belongs to basic farmland and has a large amount of river sand. The internal cause was that the plan to control the flood lagged; the work of the departments was not coordinated; the river management was not standard; and the preliminary work of the project was neglected. In the future, the flood control planning for medium and small -sized rivers should be formulated in time and coordinate with relevant planning. Governments should define the main body of the river management and confirm the right and demarcation as soon as possible. In the early stage of the project, the preliminary investigation of the project should be well completed and the scheme should be well compared and selected. And we should pay attention to the multiple values of the beach land.
Key words:  Beach cutting project; Medium and small -sized rivers; River management; Longwang River