Wang Hui,Gao Zehai.基于NSGA-Ⅱ的灌区水资源优化配置模型及应用[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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王慧, 高泽海
关键词:  :灌溉制度;作物种植结构;遗传算法;NSGA-Ⅱ;多目标优化
Model and application of optimal allocation for water resources in irrigated areas based on NSGA-Ⅱ method
Wang Hui, Gao Zehai
Xi,an University of Technologe
Aiming at the shortage of water resource and low efficiency of agricultural water utilization in irrigated areas, a two-stage optimization model including planting structure and irrigation system is constructed in this paper. The principle of system decomposition and coordination is adopted to allocate the water resources in irrigation area. In the first layer of the optimization model, the effect of irrigation time on irrigation schedule is analyzed. Meanwhile, the effect of ecological benefits on planting structure is revealed in the second layer of the optimization model. This paper focuses on Baojixia Wuquan irrigation area and designs a two-level optimization model to figure out the optimal allocation of water resource by using the non-dominant genetic algorithm. The optimization result confirms that (1) the optimization scheme which consists of irrigation amount and the irrigation time can promote the economic benefits of the irrigation area; (2) in the layer of planting structure, adding ecological benefits into the optimization goal will reduce the economic benefits, but the optimized benefits are still significantly higher than the economic benefits under the current planting structure. (3) By comparison, to realize the water resource optimal allocation, the best scheme should define economic and ecological benefits as the optimization goal in the second layer of the model and optimize the irrigation water and irrigation time in the first layer. The proposed optimization model can provide theoretical basis and decision support for the optimization of irrigation system and planting structure in similar areas.
Key words:  water resources; planting structure; irrigation system; non-dominant genetic algorithm;