WANG Kuang,CAO Xiuqing,GAO Zhenlu,et al.深蓄控排条件下稻田氮素变化规律研究[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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王矿, 曹秀清, 高振陆, 蒋尚明, 杨继伟, 王业凡
【目的】为了阐明不同水分管理模式下土壤水氮素的赋存规律。【方法】在肥东灌溉实验站开展天然降雨条件下深蓄控排试验,观测不同深度土壤水及稻田排水的氮素形态,并对不同水分管理模式下的灌水量、排水量以及水稻产量要素进行探讨和分析。试验监测了常规淹灌CK处理、干湿交替灌溉L1处理和深蓄控排L2、L3处理的稻田土壤水NH4+-N、NO3--N和总氮(TN)浓度变化。【结果】干湿交替灌溉L1处理和深蓄控排模式L2、L3处理较CK处理水稻灌溉水量分别降低725 m3.hm-2、1703 m3.hm-2、2304 m3.hm-2,雨水利用率分别提高11.8%、19.0%、25.9%,稻田排水次数减少1~3次。NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN呈规律性变化,各处理内氮素浓度随土壤深度增加而降低,深蓄控排L2、L3处理总氮峰值低于对照组CK处理。L1、L2、L3处理较CK处理,TN污染负荷减排21.3%、26.7%,31.5%。各处理间产量差异性不显著。【结论】深蓄控排技术通过增加蓄雨上限,延长间歇天数,能够有效的减少灌溉定额,降低稻田排水量,提高雨水利用率,达到水稻节水、减排、控污、稳产的目的。深蓄控排稻田水分管理模式为农业面源污染防控以及区域水肥高效利用提供参考。
关键词:  水稻;灌排模式;试验研究;铵态氮;硝态氮
Study on the variation law of nitrogen in paddy field under deep storage and controlled discharge
WANG Kuang, CAO Xiuqing, GAO Zhenlu, JIANG Shangming, YANG Jiwei, WANG Yefan
Anhui and Huaihe River Institute of Hydraulic Research
【Objective】In order to clarify the occurrence regularity of soil water nitrogen under different water management modes, a plot experiment was carried out at Feidong Irrigation Experimental Station. 【Method】The experiment of controlled deep storage and drainage under natural rainfall was carried out in Feidong Irrigation Experimental Station. The nitrogen status of soil water and paddy drainage at different depths was observed, and the irrigation amount, drainage amount and rice yield factors under different water management modes were discussed and analyzed. The changes of NH4+-N, NO3--N and TN concentrations in paddy soil water under conventional flooding irrigation CK treatment, dry-wet alternate irrigation L1 treatment and deep storage and controlled drainage L2 and L3 treatment were monitored.【Result】 Compared L1, L2 and L3 treatment with CK treatment,the irrigation water of rice was reduced by 725 m3 . hm-2, 1703 m3 . hm-2 and 2304 m3 . hm-2, and the rainwater utilization rate was increased by 11.8 %, 19.0 % and 25.9 %,The number of paddy drainage was reduced by 1-3 times. NH4+-N, NO3--N and TN changed regularly, and the nitrogen concentration in each treatment decreased with the increase of depth. The TN peak values of deep storage and controlled discharge L2 and L3 treatments were lower than those of CK treatment in the control group. L1, L2, L3 treatment compared with CK treatment, TN pollution load reduction was 21.3 %, 26.7 %, 31.5 %, and there was no significant difference in yield among treatments. 【Conclusion】By increasing the upper limit of rainfall storage and extending the interval days, the deep storage and drainage control technology can effectively reduce the irrigation quota, reduce the paddy field drainage, improve the utilization rate of rainwater, and achieve the purposes of water saving, emission reduction, pollution control and stable yield of rice. The water management mode of deep storage control and drainage of paddy field provides reference for the control of agricultural non-point source pollution, and it is in favor of the efficient utilization of regional water and fertilizer.
Key words:  rice; irrigation and drainage mode; experimental study; ammonium nitrogen;nitrate nitrogen