引用本文:陈祎彤,李 敏,司炳成,等.宇宙射线中子法测量中尺度土壤含水率研究综述[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
CHEN Yitong,LI Min,SI Bingcheng,et al.宇宙射线中子法测量中尺度土壤含水率研究综述[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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陈祎彤, 李 敏, 司炳成, 胡 优
关键词:  土壤含水率;宇宙射线中子法;中尺度;原位监测;连续监测
Review of cosmic-ray neutron method on landscape scale soil moisture content measurement
CHEN Yitong, LI Min, SI Bingcheng, HU You
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas,Ministry of Education,Northwest A F University
Soil moisture content is an important monitoring index in agricultural production and irrigation management; however, there is a large temporal and spatial variability of soil moisture content in the field. As a new method for measuring soil moisture content in the field, the cosmic ray neutron method has the advantages of continuous measurement, high accuracy and no damage to the site. It has been demonstrated that can measure average soil moisture content at a given depth over a range of hundreds of meters (mesoscale), which builds a bridge between the point scale and remote sensing at large scale, and is being gradually applied to agricultural irrigation management, hydrological data assimilation and hydrological modeling. To facilitate readers a quick and detailed understanding of the cosmic ray neutron method and its research progress, this article reviewed progress and achievements of cosmic rays in recent years, comprehensively summarized the principle of measurement, monitoring scope, influence factors and correction principle, and expounds the method application in the field of agriculture, hydrology, the status quo, existing problems and development trend.
Key words:  soil moisture content; cosmic-ray neutron probe method; landscape scale; in-situ monitoring; continuous monitoring