DING Beibei,ZHANG Xueliang,ZHAO Zhenting,et al.限水灌溉条件下华北平原冬小麦产量及水分利用效率变化的Meta分析[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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丁蓓蓓, 张雪靓, 赵振庭, 侯永浩
关键词:  限水灌溉;冬小麦;产量;水分利用效率;Meta分析;华北平原
Meta Analysis of the Variations in Winter Wheat Yield and WUE Under Limited Irrigation in the North China Plain
DING Beibei, ZHANG Xueliang, ZHAO Zhenting, HOU Yonghao
College of Land Science and Technology,China Agricultural University
【Objective】Limited irrigation is an effective measure to realize agricultural water saving. Quantitative comprehensive analysis of the variations in winter wheat yield and water use efficiency (WUE) under limited irrigation is important to conserve groundwater as well as ensure food production in the North China Plain.【Method】In this study, considering the current irrigation schedule as control group, the related field experiment data were retrieved and integrated. Based on the selected 47 papers, 511 pairs of winter wheat yield observation data and 459 pairs of WUE observation data were used to conduct Meta-analysis. Through subgroup analysis, the effects of different irrigation schemes, soil texture and field management measures on winter wheat yield and WUE were quantified further.【Result】Under the limited irrigation schemes, the variations in winter wheat yield and WUE were -10.5% and 4.3 % averagely in comparison with the current irrigation schedule. The irrigation scheme with three times during the winter wheat growing season could realize stable yield and an improvement of WUE. Under the schemes of applying irrigation twice or once during the winter wheat growing season, the reductions of winter wheat yield were less than 10%, and the increases in WUE were more than 5%. In order to minimize the reduction in wheat yield under the limited irrigation schemes, the crop variety of Shijiazhuang 8 and Shi 4185, sowing time during mid-October, planting density with 400-600 plants per square meter, increasing application of organic fertilizer, usage of mulch or straw mulching, and conducting subsoiling were recommended as the effective management measures. Besides, the limited irrigation scheme of winter wheat should be more suitable in the area with sandy loam soil.【Conclusion】The above results could provide useful reference for the application of limited irrigation schemes for winter wheat in the North China Plain towards the sustainability of both water and food .
Key words:  Limited irrigation; Winter wheat; Yield; WUE; Meta-analysis; North China Plain