Cheng Hao-liang,Yang Ju-rui.计入综合糙率的湿地建设对抚仙湖流场影响的模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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程浩亮1, 杨具瑞2
1.西南林业大学 土木工程学院;2.昆明理工大学 建筑工程学院
关键词:  抚仙湖;湿地;综合糙率;水动力模型;流场
Simulation study on the influence of wetland construction on the flow velocity field of Lake Fuxian considering the comprehensive roughness
Cheng Hao-liang1, Yang Ju-rui2
1.Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming;2.School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming
【Objective】The influence of wetland construction considering the comprehensive roughness on flow velocity field of Lake Fuxian was studied to provide the premise for water quality simulation.【Method】In the ecological water channel, the retarding effect of three different heights plants on water flow was studied under three water flows, and the relationship between the retardation been called comprehensive roughness and plant height was obtained. On this basis, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model considering comprehensive roughness of wetland was established to calculate and study the flow velocity fields of three different schemes. The three schemes were as follows: first was the existing waterbody, second was the expended waterbody by removing the breakwater, third was the whole waterbody after construction of the wetland. The effects of wetland plants and the expended water on flow velocity fields have been analyzed.【Result】Results show that expansion water has changed the boundary conditions of the local waters, making the magnitude of the flow velocity of the local waters prominent larger, while other areas have little impact. In the North shore, the averaged flow velocity is increased by 52.65%. In the original region, the averaged flow velocity is only increased by 2.10%. The impact of wetland on the flow field is mainly reflected in the wetland area, but has little impact on others. The averaged flow velocity in the wetland area on the South shore is decreased by 68.20% compared with the expansion water. In the original region, the averaged flow velocity is only decreased by 4.11%.【Conclusion】In summary, the construction of lakeside wetland considering comprehensive roughness has little influence on the original water flow velocity field of Lake Fuxian, which can provide theoretical basis for the water quality simulation research.
Key words:  Lake Fuxian; wetland; comprehensive roughness; hydrodynamic model; flow velocity field