guang hui bing,wang jian,li ze sen,et al.淤积工况下薄壁三角堰流量特征研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2022,(10):-.
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【目的】为探究淤积对薄壁三角堰流量测定造成的影响,【方法】本研究利用成熟的计算流体力学软件FLUENT 19.0,结合室内试验,模拟薄壁三角堰渠道从无淤积至淤满过程中9个淤积工况下的过堰流场,求解分析流场内的流量、流速和水位变化,探讨渠道流量特征随淤积厚度的变化情况。【结果】结果1:由模拟流量与理论流量、实测流量数值吻合,以及渠道内流速分布符合流速分布一般规律的试验结果,证明模拟结果准确可靠;结果2:当理论流量为0.2210 L/s时,随堰前淤积的加厚,模拟流量与实测流量数值呈现无规律的波动变化,波动范围为理论流量的-0.45%~8.60%;结果3:理论流量为0.2210 L/s时,对比无淤积和淤积工况下的堰前水面曲线,模拟与实测曲线均在近堰板处出现不同程度的的水位壅高,高度随淤积厚度的增加而波动上升。【结论】基于试验获取的流量和水面特征曲线准确可靠的前提下,研究结果显示淤积会使堰前水位壅高,增大薄壁三角堰过流能力,而堰流公式中缺少适应这种变化的修正参数,导致生产中所得理论流量偏小。
关键词:  薄壁三角堰;淤积;计算流体力学;流量;流速
Flow Characteristics of Triangular Sharp-Crested Weir in Deposition
guang hui bing1,2, wang jian3,4,4,2, li ze sen1,2, cao bo zhao1,2, liu chao1,2, wangkanghong5
1.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&2.F University;3.School of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&4.amp;5.Soil and water conservation station in Hancheng
【Objective】The objective was exploring the influence of deposition to measure flow rate in triangular sharp-crested weir.【Method】This study simulated the flow field under 9 different conditions from no deposition to full deposition with mature computational fluid dynamics FLUENT 19.0 and lab experiments to analyze flow rate, water level and velocity variation.【Result】(1). It drew the conclusion that simulation results were reliable as simulated flow was consistent with theoretical flow and measured flow, and velocity distribution in channel conformed to the general law of velocity distribution (2) When theoretical flow was 0.2210 L/s, simulated and measured flow fluctuated disorderly with thickening of deposition, and fluctuation range was -0.45% to 8.60% of theoretical flow. (3) When theoretical flow was 0.2210 L/s, comparing free-surface profiles in the conditions of deposition and no deposition, the simulated and measured profiles occurred different degree of water level accumulation near weir plate, and the height rose in volatility with the increase of deposition. 【conclusion】Based on simulation results are accurate and reliable, research shows that the water level in front of weir rises because of deposition, and the flow capacity of triangular sharp-crested weir increases. However, as the flow formula lacks the correction parameters to adapt to this change, theoretical flow in production will be small.
Key words:  triangular sharp-crested weir; deposition; computational fluid dynamics; flow rate; velocity;