XIAO Min,XIONG Zhihao,WU Lang,et al.高地下水位冻土区弧形底浅拱梯形渠道冻胀力学分析[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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肖旻1, 熊志豪1, 吴浪1, 崔浩1, 杨晓松2, 葛建锐3
1.江西科技师范大学 建筑工程学院;2.塔里木大学 水利与建筑工程学院;3.兰州理工大学 能源与动力工程学院
关键词:  冻土工程;灌溉渠道;力学模型;弧底梯形;高地下水位
Mechanical Analysis of Frost Heave Damage for Trapezoidal Canalwith Shallow Arc-bottom in Cold Regions with High Groundwater Level
XIAO Min1, XIONG Zhihao1, WU Lang1, CUI Hao1, YANG Xiaosong2, GE Jianrui3
1.School of Civil Engineering,Jiangxi Science Technology Normal University;2.College of Water Conservancy and Construction Engineering,Tarim University;3.College of Energy and Power Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology
【Objective】The objective is to reveal frost heave damage mechanism of trapezoidal canal with shallow arc-bottom in cold regions with high groundwater level and to put forward a simple and practical design method for frost heave resistance.【Method】Based on the Winkler assumption and the particularity that the arc-bottom highness is obviously smaller than overall depth of canal section, a calculated method of distribution of normal frost heave force was presented. Considering the influence on distribution of tangential freezing force on curved segment of canal lining by small rigid upward displacement of concrete lining, a calculated method of distribution of tangential freezing force was proposed. Finally, it’s completed to build the mechanical model of frost heave damage of trapezoidal canal with shallow arc-bottom in cold regions with high groundwater level.【Result】Taking a trapezoidal canal with shallow arc-bottom as prototype, comparative analysis for effect on distribution of section internal force and frost heave force by different underground water level d to the center of arc-bottom was carried out. Results show that transverse difference of distribution of section internal force and frost heave force increasingly evident as d is smaller. The effect on distribution of section internal force and frost heave force is smaller as the groundwater table is deeper. They all square with the facts. Adequate time and source for water recharge and transversely uneven distribution of frost heave force are the main cause of frost heave damage of such canals.【Conclusion】The presented model can reflect mechanical characteristic of such canals under the condition of frost heave well, and calculations are reasonable and reliable. The study can provide references for designs of frost heave resistance of such canals.
Key words:  Frost;soil engineering, Irrigation;canals, Mechanical;model, Trapezoidal;canal with;shallow arc-bottom, High;groundwater level