YAO Zhi,ZHU Rong,HE Guihao,et al.寒旱区湖泊浮游植物优势种生态位分析——以包头南海湖为例[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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姚植1, 朱蓉2, 何桂豪1, 刘奕杰2, 杨文焕1, 孙涛3, 冯栋栋1, 李卫平1
1.内蒙古科技大学;2.中冶西北工程技术有限公司 包头;3.德州市水利局
关键词:  寒旱区;生态位;浮游植物;灰关联分析;城市湖泊
Niche analysis of dominant species of phytoplankton in lakes in cold and arid region——A case study of Baotou Nanhai Lake
YAO Zhi1, ZHU Rong2, HE Guihao1, LIU Yijie2, YANG Wenhuan1, SUN Tao3, Feng Dongdong1, LI Weiping1
1.Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology;2.Northwest Engineering and Research Incorporation Limited of China Metallurgical Group;3.Dezhou Municipal Water Resources Bureau
【Objective】Clarify the response relationship between phytoplankton community changes and lake eutrophication in cold and arid region lakes.【Method】Through sampling and counting the water and phytoplankton community of Nanhai Lake from December 2017 to November 2018, the ecological breadth and ecological overlap of dominant phytoplankton species were described by niche analysis method, and the effects of water environmental factors on phytoplankton were determined by grey relational analysis.【Result】The results showed that phytoplankton species were detected in 7 phyla,38 genera,95 species in frozen period and 7 phyla,47 genera,106 species in unfrozen period. The main phytoplankton community comprised of cyanobacteria-green algae-diatom. The niche breadth and niche overlap of the dominant species in the frozen period were both smaller than those in the unfrozen period, and the competition ability of phytoplankton is stronger in unfrozen period, and it can make full use of various resources. The gray correlation analysis showed that Chemical Oxygen Demand(CODCr)and pH had a strong correlation with phytoplankton density in all year, Total Phosphorus(TP)had a greater impact on the changes in phytoplankton population in the frozen period, while WT had a greater impact on the phytoplankton population change in the unfrozen period.【Conclusion】The species of phytoplankton in Nanhai Lake are affected by a variety of ecological factors at different stages. Organic pollutants and phosphorus nutrients are the main environmental factors affecting the structure of phytoplankton community. The results can provide a basis for the mechanism of phytoplankton structure change in cold and arid regions lakes.
Key words:  cold-arid area;niche;phytoplankton;grey relation analysis;urban lake