DUANGUOXIU,JIA XIAO XU,BAI XIAO,et al.基于ERT的黄土高原小流域典型坡地和坝地土壤储水量反演[J].灌溉排水学报,2022,():-.
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【目的】土壤水分是干旱半干旱黄土区植被恢复与可持续性的主要限制因子。坡地和坝地是黄土高原小流域的典型地理单元,明确坡地和坝地深层土壤水分数量及空间分布特征,对小流域生态恢复和水资源管理具有重要科学意义。【方法】本文利用电阻率层析成像法(Electrical resistivity tomography, ERT)测定了陕北六道沟小流域典型坡地和坝地土壤电阻率(ρ),结合实测土壤体积含水量(θv),分别建立了ρ与θv的幂函数关系式,量化了0~12.5 m剖面土壤水储量。【结果】坡地ρ分布受坡位和植被显著影响,沿坡面逐渐下降,坝地ρ在垂直方向呈“高?低?高”分布格局,具有明显的土壤水饱和与非饱和层,而坡地均为非饱和层。面积1.8×104 m2的坝地0~12.5 m饱和层储水6.59×104 m3,而相近面积的坡地0~12.5 m非饱和层储水2.59×104 m3。【结论】坝地储水丰富,约是坡地的2.6倍;ERT可用于小流域典型地理单元水资源时空分布研究。研究结果对黄土高原小流域水资源形成机制和植被建设具有重要科学意义和应用价值。
关键词:  黄土高原;电阻率层析成像法;土壤电阻率;坡地;坝地;土壤水分
Spatial distribution of soil water on slope land & dam land in loess region based on ERT
1.Key laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation &2.Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences &3.Natural Resources Research;4.College of Resources &5.Environment, Northwest A &6.F University
【Objective】Soil moisture is the main limiting factor of vegetation restoration and sustainability in arid and semi-arid loess regions. Sloping land and dam land are typical geographical units of small watershed on loess Plateau. It is of great significance for ecological restoration and agricultural production of small watershed to grasp the quantity and spatial distribution characteristics of soil water in deep layer (>10 m) of sloping land and dam land. 【Method】The Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method is used to measure the soil resistivity of typical sloping and dam plots in Liudaogou small watershed of northern Shaanxi Province. Combining with the measured soil volumetric water content (θv), the power function relation between ρ and θv is established. The water storage and its spatial distribution characteristics of 0~12.5 m section on slope and dam land are quantified. 【Result】The ρ distribution of slope is significantly affected by slope position, Along the slope, the ρ distribution is slope top > slope middle > slope bottom, which is related to vegetation water consumption and precipitation redistribution process on slope surface; The distribution pattern of ρ in the vertical direction of dam land is “high?low?high”, which is related to the process of water absorption of the root system and precipitation recharge; The results of ERT inversion show that the dam land has obvious saturated and unsaturated layers, while the slope land is all unsaturated layers; At 0~6.5 m unsaturated layer soil water storage is 1.49×104 m3 in dam land with an area of 1.8×104 m2, and at 6.5~12.5 m saturated layer water storage is 5.10×104 m3; The soil water storage of 0~12.5 m on the slope with similar area is 2.59×104 m3. 【Conclusion】The water storage capacity of the dam land is 2.6 times that of the slope land, which indicates that the dam land in the small watershed of the Loess Plateau contains abundant water resources. ERT can be used for quantitative research on spatiotemporal variation of soil moisture in typical geographical units of the Loess Plateau. And compared with small watershed slope land, dam land is rich in water storage, and the “soil reservoir” has stronger regulation and storage function. It is of great application value to clarify the formation process and mechanism of water resources in dam land for small watershed agricultural production and ecological construction.
Key words:  the Loess Plateau; Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT); Soil resistivity; slope land; dam land; Soil water storage