Ma Zhanli,Wang Zhenhua,Liu Jian,et al.膜下滴灌配置模式对北疆地区棉花生理生长及产量的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,():-.
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【目的】探究不同膜下滴灌配置模式对棉花生理生长及产量的影响,为北疆地区棉花稳产、增收提供科学依据。【方法】以棉花品种“新陆早42”为试验材料,设置5种膜下滴灌配置模式:1膜6管12行+窄行布管(N445处理)、1膜3管6行+偏置布管(W205处理)、1膜3管6行+偏置布管且宽行间作小茴香(WJ205处理)、1膜2管4行+窄行布管(N145处理)和1膜3管6行+窄行布管(CK),研究膜下滴灌配置模式对棉花生长、光合特性及产量的影响。【结果】结果表明,各处理棉花株高、叶面积指数、干物质量、光合特性和产量均表现为:N445处理 > CK > W205处理 > WJ205处理 > N145处理。N445处理的最大株高、最大叶面积指数、总地上部干物质量、净光合速率和籽棉产量较CK分别增加5.52%、5.20%、13.61%、10.39%和8.86%,增收4613.25元/hm2;相同膜宽条件下,偏置布管处理(W205处理和WJ205处理)的最大株高、最大叶面积指数、总干物质量、净光合速率和籽棉产量较窄行布管处理(CK)平均分别降低6.23%、8.03%、12.73%、3.82%和5.11%。【结论】增加膜宽和窄行布管可以促进棉花生长发育,提高棉花光合能力,为棉花稳产增收提供有利条件。因此,在北疆棉区采用1膜6管12行,窄行布管配置模式具有更好的应用效果,是促进棉农增收的有效途径。
关键词:  膜下滴灌;配置模式;棉花;生长;产量;新疆
分类号:S562; S275.6
Effects of different planting patterns on physiology, growth, and yield of cotton in the Northern Xinjiang
Ma Zhanli1,2, Wang Zhenhua1,2, Liu Jian1,2, Song Libing1,2, Wen Yue1,2, Tan Mingdong1,2, Liang Yonghui1,2, He Jing1,2
1.College of Water Conservancy &2.Architectural Engineering,Shihezi University
【Background and Objective】Xinjiang is the most extensive high-quality cotton production base in China. However, water shortages and unreasonable farming practices have restricted the development of the cotton industry in the Xinjiang region. This study provides a scientific basis for the stable and increased yield of the cotton industry in the Xinjiang region by exploring the effects of different planting patterns on the physiological growth and yield of cotton. 【Method】Five planting patterns were set up according to film width and piping method: Twelve rows of cotton were planted with six drip irrigation tapes under a 4.45 m width of the film (drip irrigation tape was placed in the middle of two cotton rows) (N445); Six rows of cotton were planted with three drip irrigation tapes under a 2.05 m width of the film (drip irrigation tape was placed 10 cm outside cotton narrow rows) (W205); Six rows of cotton were planted with three drip irrigation tapes under a 2.05 m width of the film (drip irrigation tape was placed 10 cm outside cotton narrow rows, cumin was planted in wide rows) (WJ205); Four rows of cotton were planted with Two drip irrigation tapes under a 1.45 m width of the film (drip irrigation tape was placed in the middle of two cotton rows) (N145). Meanwhile, a planting pattern with three drip irrigation tapes and six rows of cotton under a film width of 2.05 m and with drip irrigation tapes laid in narrow rows was set as a control (CK) to study the effects of different planting patterns on cotton growth, photosynthetic characteristics, and yield. 【Result】The results showed that cotton plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, photosynthetic characteristics, and yield of each treatment were as follows: N445 > CK > W205 > WJ205 > N145. The maximum plant height, leaf area index, dry matter mass, net photosynthetic rate, and seed cotton yield of N445 treatment increased by 5.52%, 5.20%, 13.61%, 10.39%, and 8.86%, respectively, and the increase in income per hectare is 4613.25 yuan. Compared with CK. Under the same film width, the average maximum plant height, maximum leaf area index, total dry matter mass, net photosynthetic rate, and seed yield of the offset tape treatments (W205 and WJ205) decreased by 6.23%, 8.03%, 12.73%, 3.82%, and 5.11%, respectively, compared with the narrow row tape treatment (CK). 【Conclusion】The increased film width and narrow-row piping can increase the height and leaf area index of cotton plants, improve the photosynthetic capacity of cotton, promote the accumulation of dry matter in cotton, facilitate the stable yield of cotton, and raise farmer's income. Therefore, the planting pattern of one film with six tapes and twelve rows with a film width of 4.45 m and pipe tapes in narrow rows has better application effect and is an effective way to promote cotton farmers to increase income.
Key words:  mulched drip irrigation; planting pattern; cotton; growth; yield; Xinjiang