Li Xiaoting,Zhang Yongping,Li Lijun,et al.干旱胁迫下外源内生真菌对燕麦种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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李晓婷, 张永平, 李立军, 郭云飞, 韩雪
【目的】探讨外源内生真菌对干旱胁迫下燕麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。【方法】以燕麦(Avena sativa L.)为研究对象,设正常水分处理(WW)和12%PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫(HD)2个水分处理,分别添加Czapek培养基为对照(CK)、外源内生真菌O-2(Fusarium equiseti)和O-66(Alternaria pomicola),分析干旱胁迫下外源内生真菌对种子发芽、幼苗生长、根系结构和生理特性的影响。【结果】外源内生真菌O-2和、O-66均能在燕麦根中检测到。干旱胁迫显著抑制了种子的萌发,内生真菌O-2和O-66均提高了种子发芽率和发芽势,其中添加O-66处理较CK显著增加了44.68%和41.18%。内生真菌显著促进胚根和胚芽的伸长,分别是CK的1.15~1.36倍和1.18~1.42倍。水培试验中,干旱胁迫下内生真菌均提高了燕麦幼苗的株高、干物质积累量和根系指标,其中添加O-66处理的株高和地上冠层干质量增加了23.67%和39.58%,根干质量、根系总长度、根系投影面积、根系总表面积、根系总体积和根尖数分别增加了33.72%、20.40%、35.47%、31.84%、36.94%和59.24%。与CK相比,干旱胁迫下内生真菌处理的燕麦根系活力显著提高了15.34%~23.54%,SOD、POD和CAT分别提高了25.97%~30.48%、14.26%~20.47%和37.46%~45.72%,MDA量降低了9.27%~10.33%。【结论】外源内生真菌能显著缓解干旱胁迫对燕麦种子及幼苗的伤害,增强植株耐旱性,促进燕麦生长,其中内生真菌O-66的抗旱效果较为明显。
关键词:  干旱胁迫;内生真菌;种子萌发;幼苗;根系形态;生理特性
Effects of Endophytic Fungi on Seed Germination and Seedling of Oat under Drought Stress
Li Xiaoting, Zhang Yongping, Li Lijun, Guo Yunfei, Han Xue
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,College of Agriculture
【Objective】The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of exogenous endophytic fungi on oat seed germination and seedling growth under drought stress, and also to provide a basis for the application of endophytic fungi. 【Method】In this paper, Oat (Avena sativa L.) was treated with normal water (WW) and 12%PEG-6000 simulated drought stress (HD). Czapek medium (CK), was added as control (CK), and two exogenous endophytic fungi O-2 (Fusarium equiseti) and O-66 (Alternaria pomicola) were added tested for seed germination and water content, respectively, to analyze the effects of exogenous endophytic fungi on seed germination, seedling growth, root structure and physiological characteristics under drought stress.【Result】Exogenous endophytic fungi O-2 or O-66 were able to detect in oat roots successfully. Drought stress significantly inhibited the germination of seeds, but inoculation of endophytic fungi O-2 and O-66 increased the germination rate and germination potential of seeds, among which the treatment with O-66 significantly increased by 44.68% and 41.18% compared with CK, and endophytic fungi significantly promoted the elongation of radicle and germ, which were 1.15~1.36 times and 1.18~1.42 times of CK, respectively. In the hydroponic experiment, endophytic fungi all increased the plant height, dry matter accumulation, and root index of oat seedlings under drought stress, among which O-66 had a significant effect, in which the plant height and aboveground canopy dry weight increased by 23.67% and 39.58% when O-66 was added, while and the root dry weight, total root length, projected root area, total root surface area, total root volume and root tips increased by 33.72%, 20.40%, 35.47%, 31.84% and 36.94, respectively. Compared with CK, the root activity, SOD, POD, CAT of oat seeding under drought stress significantly increased by 15.34% ~ 23.54%, 25.97%~30.48%, 14.26%~20.47% and 37.46%~45.72%, respectively, and the MDA content decreaseds of oat treated by endophytic fungi increased by 15.34% ~ 23.54%, 25.97%~30.48%, 14.26%~20.47%, 37.46%~45.72% and 9.27%~10.33% respectively under drought stress. 【Conclusion】Exogenous endophytic fungi could significantly alleviate the damage of drought stress to oat seeds and seedlings, enhance the drought tolerance of plants and promote the growth of oats, among which endophytic fungi O-66 had obvious drought resistance effects.
Key words:  drought stress; endophytic fungi; seed germination; seedlings; root morphology; physiological property