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Phosphorus Leaching from Main Soils in Shanxi Province
LI Lijun, HUO Chen, LIU Ping, HUO Xiaolan, MA Linjie, HUI Wei
1. College of Resource and Environment, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, China; 2. Laboratory of Soil Environment and Nutrient Resources of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030031, China; 3. College of Bioengineering, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
【Objective】Phosphorus (P) leaching from soils is not only an environmental concern but also a financial loss to farmers. Understanding the mechanisms underlying mobility of P in different soils is essential to alleviating its loss to surface runoff and leaching to groundwater. 【Method】 We studied the physical and chemical properties of typical soils in Shanxi province, including chestnut-cinnamon soil, regosol soil, loessial soil and fluvo-aquic soil, which combine to cover 88.51% of the land surface across the province. For each soil, we measured its organic matter, particle size in the range of >0.002 mm, 0.002~0.05 mm and 0.05~2 mm, texture, active Fe (Al), Olsen-P and CaCl2-P. Soluble P at different concentrations was added to each soil, and it was allowed to reach equilibrium. The contents of Olsen-P and CaCl2-P were then determined using NaHCO3 and CaCl2, and the threshold that resulted in P starting to leach was calculated from the relationship between Olsen-P and CaCl2-P.【Result】The critical P content beyond which P leached is 73.50 mg/kg for cinnamon soil, 7.0 mg/kg for chestnut-cinnamon soil, 23.30 mg/kg for neutral regosols soil, 39.4 mg/kg for loessial soil and 61.36 mg/kg for fluvo-aquic soil. The critical Olsen-P content in all soils increased with the increase in organic matter content but not significantly (p>0.05). Logarithm of the critical Olsen-P content is significantly correlated to the logarithm of clay and active Fe content (p<0.05), but insignificantly correlated to the logarithmic soil organic matter and silt contents (p>0.05). 【Conclusion】 Vulnerability of the main five soils to P leaching is ranked in the order of neutral regosol soil>loessial soil>fluvo-aquic soil>chestnut-cinnamon soil>cinnamon soil. Clay and active Fe contents are the edaphic factors affecting P leaching the most.
Key words:  Shanxi soil; soil physical and chemical properties; soil phosphorus; change-point