Cite this article:王浩翔,张新燕,牛文全,等.低压滴灌施肥条件下温度对滴头堵塞的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2020,(3):-.
WANG Hao-xiang,ZHANG Xin-yan,NIU Wen-quan,et al.低压滴灌施肥条件下温度对滴头堵塞的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2020,(3):-.
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Effect of temperature on emitter clogging under low-pressure drip fertilization
WANG Hao-xiang1,2, ZHANG Xin-yan1,2, NIU Wen-quan3, LIU Min1,2, LI Bin1,2
1.College of Water Conservancy and Architectural Engineering,Northwest A&2.F University;3.Institute of Soil and Water Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources
Abstract:Drip irrigation fertilization is an effective method for quantitatively supplying crop water and nutrients, and its precision can improve the utilization of agricultural water and fertilizer resources in drylands. As the core of the drip irrigation system, the main function of the emitter is to dissipate the pressurized water flow through the internal complex flow channel structure, ensuring that the water can be supplied to the crops uniformly and stably. However, due to the narrow size of the energy dissipation channel, it is very easy to be attached by solid particles, fertilizers, microorganisms, organic matter and other impurities in the drip irrigation water source, which will cause the clog of the irrigation device and affect the uniformity and service life of the irrigation system. In addition to the influence of water sources, the occurrence of emitter clogging is also related to external factors such as operating pressure and water temperature. Irrigation seasons, regions, and irrigation water sources often cause differences in irrigation water temperature. Under the effect of external heat exchange such as solar radiation, the water temperature in black drip irrigation tupes exposed in the field varies greatly. Studying the effect of temperature on the clogging of the dripper is of great significance for guiding irrigation and fertilization patterns in different regions and seasons.[Objective] In order to investigate the effect of temperature on emitter clogging under low-pressure drip fertigation conditions, [Method] Using short-cycle intermittent irrigation test method, considering temperature, operating pressure and fertilizer concentration, a completely randomized experiment was conducted to study the emitter clogging process and seek a suitable threshold for the fertilizer concentration. [Results] The results showed that the higher the temperature, the higher the operating pressure, and the lower the concentration of fertilizer, the lower the risk of dripper clogging. The treatment with a working pressure of 50 kPa and a fertilizer concentration of 3 g/L at 40 °C has the highest average relative flow rate, uniformity coefficient and lowest clogging rate; the thresholds of fertilizer concentration were different at different temperatures. The thresholds of fertilizer concentration were 4 g/L, 5 g/L, 7 g/L and 8 g/L at 10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C and 40 °C, respectively. [Conclusion] It can be seen from the results that increasing the temperature, increasing the operating pressure and reducing the concentration of fertilizer can effectively reduce the risk of dripper clogging; increasing the temperature also increases the threshold for the addition of fertilizer and the ability of the water to carry solid particles, but the decrease in the risk of clogging of the dripper increases as the pressure increases. The results can provide a theoretical basis for formulating suitable drip irrigation fertilization modes at different temperatures.
Key words:  low pressure drip irrigation; temperature; fertilization; clogging; fertilizer concentration threshold