Cite this article:刘赛华,杨广.典型荒漠植物梭梭在咸水滴灌条件下土壤水盐运移特性[J].灌溉排水学报,2020,(1):-.
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Soil water and salt transport characteristics of typical desert plant Haloxylon ammodendron under drip irrigation with saline water
liusaihua, yangguang
Schoolof Water Conservancy and Architectural Engineering, Shihezi University
【Objective】To investigate the effects of saline drip irrigation with different salinity on water and salt transport characteristics of desert plant Haloxylon ammodendron on soil.【Method]】The soil moisture, salinity, soil ion content and hydrochemical characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron under different salinity irrigation sources were analyzed by using the pit test of Haloxylon ammodendron under saline irrigation and the methods of shukalev and piper trigram. 【Result】(1) The soil salinity of Haloxylon ammodendron under saline water drip irrigation was positively correlated with the salinity of irrigation water. The soil salinity was accumulated at the depth of 60-80 cm, and the maximum salinity was 6.1 g/kg. (2) The content of SO42-、Cl-、K+ and Na+ in Haloxylon ammodendron soil is varied significantly with the increase of mineralization. The soil aqueous cation changes gradually from Ca2+ to Na+, the anion changes gradually from SO42- to Cl-, and the water chemical type changes gradually from SO42--Ca2+ ? Mg2+ to SO42- ? Cl--Na+.【Conclusion】The characteristics of soil water and salt transport in Haloxylon ammodendron with different salinity were analyzed, and the changes of soil ions and the characteristics of hydrochemical evolution under drip irrigation with different saline water were clarified, which had guiding significance for sustainable utilization of local saline water resources and ecological construction.
Key words:  Saline water; Haloxylon ammodendron; Water and salt migration; Hydrochemical property