Cite this article:张相柱,张云.论磷石膏混合法改良盐碱地方法(河套灌区研究成果专刊)[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
ZHANG Xiang-zhu,ZHANG Yun.论磷石膏混合法改良盐碱地方法(河套灌区研究成果专刊)[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Discussion on Modification of Saline-alkali Land by Phosphogypsum Mixing Method
ZHANG Xiang-zhu, ZHANG Yun
Water Conservancy Research Institute of Bayannur City
Because of climate and irrigation and drainage conditions, soil salinization and secondary salinization are serious problems in the Hetao Irrigation District. Saline-alkali land of different degrees distributes patchy in a large area of the irrigation area, which seriously affects and restricts the high efficiency and sustainable development of agriculture. According to the characteristics of saline-alkali land in irrigation area, this paper puts forward a type of saline-alkali land modification by phosphogypsum mixing method through experimental study, which has been validated in the field and achieved good results.
Key words:  Phosphogypsum, Saline-alkali;land, Modification