Cite this article:徐建新,王潜,高阳,等.水盐胁迫对玉米茎木质部水力特性的影响 [J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
Xun Jian-xin,Wang Qian,Gao Yang,et al.水盐胁迫对玉米茎木质部水力特性的影响 [J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Effects of water and salt stress on hydraulic characteristics of maize stem xylem
Xun Jian-xin,Wang Qian,Gao Yang,et al
1.North China University Of Water Resources And Electric Power,Zheng Zhou;2.Institute of Farmland Irrigation,Xin xiang
【Objective】Understanding the response of hydraulic characteristics, photosynthesis and growth indicators of maize stem xylem under water and salt stress is essential to unravelling the mechanism of xylem embolism induced by water and salt stress.【Method】A phytotron experiment was conducted to investigate effects of water and salt stress on maize leaf water potential, root water potential and stem hydraulic conductivity. The experiment was comprised with four treatemnts, i.e., water stress (LD), salt stress (WS), water-salt combined stress(SY), and CK (free of water and salt stress).【Result】Compared with CK, LD, WS, and SY decreased the water potential of maize root and leaf decreased obviously, the order for the water potential difference between leaf and soil shown as CK>LD>WS>SY. The initial hydraulic conductivity-Ki and sap flow rate reduced by water and salt stress significantly, and the variation trend was same with the variation trend of water potential difference between leaf and soil. Accordingly, the percentage of hydraulic conductivity loss of stem xylem-PLC increased significantly. Meanwhile, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of maize leaves showed the trend of CK>LD and WS>SY, the growth indexes of plant height and leaf length showed a decreasing trend of CK>LD>WS>SY.【Conclusion】Water stress, salt stress and combined water and salt stress could reduce the water potential of maize, destroy the balance of osmotic potential in the plant, inhibit the photosynthetic performance of maize, cause cavitation and embolization in the xylem of the stem, and the different stress result in different degrees of embolization.
Key words:  Water and salt stress; hydraulic conductivity; embolism; sap flow; water potential; photosynthesis