Cite this article:王丽娟,孙嘉星,高丽丽,等.水肥减量对土壤硝态氮和番茄产量品质的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
wanglijuan,wanglijuan,gaolili,et al.水肥减量对土壤硝态氮和番茄产量品质的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Effects of water and fertilizer reduction on soil nitrate nitrogen and tomato yield and quality
wanglijuan1, wanglijuan2, gaolili2, maolili2, lihaoru2, gongdaozhi2
1.中国农业科学院环发所;2.Institute of agricultural environment and sustainable development, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences
Abstract:【Objective】To solve the problem of excessive application of water and fertilizer under the integration of water and fertilizer, to control the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in soil and guarantee the yield and quality of tomato, to find an appropriate amount of water and fertilizer input reduction;【Method】 The experiment took the average water and fertilizer input of local farmers as the control (CK). Through the solar greenhouse plot experiment, There are 3 different simultaneous reduction of water and fertilizer treatments (H:80%CK, M:60%CK, L:50%CK) were set. The effects of water and fertilizer input reduction at different rate on soil moisture, soil nitrate nitrogen, plant dry matter quality, tomato fruit yield quality, water and fertilizer utilization efficiency and economic benefits were studied 【Result】During the whole growth period, the soil moisture content between 0~20 cm and 20~50cm and the nitrate nitrogen accumulation in the soil between 0~50cm showed a change rule as follows: CK>H>M>L. The yield of tomato was as follows: CK>H>M>L, and there were significant differences among treatments. There was no significant difference in plant dry matter quality between treatments. .Water fertilizer utilization efficiency and yield to investment ratio were significantly different between CK treatment and H, M and L. The accumulation of nitrate nitrogen and the yield of tomato fruits in soil layer 0~50cm treated with H were significantly different from CK (71% CK and 83% CK, respectively), the utilization efficiency of water and fertilizer and the ratio of production and investment were significantly higher than CK (p<0.05), and the sugar and acid ratio of treatment with H was 1.18CK. 【Conclusion】Under the condition of local sewage sludge management, reduced 20% water, soil water is enough, can significantly reduce the soil nitrate nitrogen, accumulation, least effect on tomato production (M and L processing tomato production were 72% 67% CK and CK) and improving the quality of tomato flavor slightly, also can significantly improve the utilization efficiency of sewage sludge and sewage sludge into economic benefits. Combined with the local farmers water and fertilizer input habits and comprehensive consideration of soil quality and economic benefit. It is advisable to reduce water fertilizer input by less than 20%, otherwise may cause big tomato yield production, the test results can be for the local soil environment and quality of tomato fruit yields seems to provide the reference.
Key words:  tomato; water and fertilizer reduction; nitrate nitrogen;yield; quality; economic benefits