Cite this article:储朋朋,程建萍,胡淑恒,等.磷浓度对生物阴极微生物燃料电池脱氮产电的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
CHU Pengpeng,CHENG Jianping,HU Shuheng,et al.磷浓度对生物阴极微生物燃料电池脱氮产电的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Effect of phosphorus concentration on nitrogen removal and electricity generation of biological cathode microbial full cell
CHU Pengpeng1, CHENG Jianping2, HU Shuheng1, GUO Jing1, XIE Xiaoyun1, WANG Jiaquan1
1.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Hefei University of Technology;2.School of Mechanical Engineering,Hefei University of Technology
Considering the coexistence of phosphorus and nitrogen in the waste water, this article explores the denitrification and electrical performance of Microbial Fuel Cell, MFC at different potassium phosphorus concentration. During the experiment, different concentrations of potassium phosphate are added to the cathode solution of the four groups of reactors. The experimental results show that the concentration of nitrate are added in the cathode solution is fixed at 100 mg.L-1. The large the mass concentration ratio of phosphorus and nitrogen in MFC cathode solution,the worse the electrical performance of MFC and the lower the nitrogen removal efficiency. Under the condition of add 85.68 mg.L-1potassium phosphate concentration, that is, the mass concentration ratio of phosphorus to nitrogen is 1:8, the maximum output voltage of MFC reaches 422.00 mV and the maximum power density is 832.13 mW.m-3. During the whole degradation process, the total P hardly changed. the phosphate concentration first decreased and then increased, and the phosphate might be converted into other forms of phosphorus.
Key words:  biological cathode;MFC to produce electricity;nitrate; denitrification;potassium phosphorus concentration