Cite this article:谢鹏宇.农业水费计收存在的问题及改革思考[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Problems Existing in Agricultural Water Charge Collectionand Reform Thinking
Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Strengthening the construction of relevant measures for water fee collection is a prerequisite to ensure the sustainable use of water conservancy engineering facilities, and it is also a necessary means to maintain the normal operation of production and operation activities of water pipe stakeholders. It is an inevitable requirement for promoting the reasonable interests of social resources and sustainable economic development. At present, there are still many difficulties and problems in the collection and management of agricultural water charges, which has caused some water pipe units to make ends meet, resulting in the aging and disrepair of a large number of water conservancy projects and the decline in benefits, which has severely restricted the benign operation of water conservancy projects. These problems have directly caused the inefficient allocation of water resources Reasonable, hinders the sustainable use of water conservancy engineering facilities. This paper analyzes the problems of the current water fee collection and collection mechanism, and proposes six targeted reform measures, with a view to providing some reference for the optimal allocation of water resources and sustainable development of water conservancy in China.
Key words:  Agricultural water fee; calculation and collection; water fee collection and management; problems