Cite this article:许春芳.探讨PPP在农业高效节水灌溉项目建设中的应用——以德州市陵城区为例[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Discussion on The Application of PPP in The Construction of Agricultural High Efficient Water-saving Irrigation Project: A Case Study of Lingcheng District, Dezhou
Water conservancy bureau of lingcheng district,Shandong dezhou
【Objective】 In order to explore a new mode of construction, operation and management for farmland high efficient water-saving irrigation project, which can attract investment from social capital, and can achieve win-win results for the masses, social capital and the government, and can be replicated and extended. 【Method】Taking a completed PPP project of high efficient water-saving irrigation in Lingcheng District as an example, this study discussed its basic principles, management and protection mechanism, government support policy, incentive and constraint mechanism, guarantee mechanism and so on. 【Result】Under the leadership of the local government, the combination of farms and irrigation equipment suppliers as social capital was conducive to the construction of small-scale high efficient water-saving irrigation PPP projects. In the process of project planning, the problem of "be able to enter, be willing to enter, run for a long time" had been solved by perfecting the operation management and protection mechanism, the government support policy, the incentive and constraint mechanism and the guarantee mechanism. However, the low economic returns from field crops are not conducive to the further participation of social capital. 【Conclusion】PPP project has a wide application potential in the construction of high efficient water-saving irrigation project. More perfect mechanism guarantee need to be worked out.
Key words:  Social capital; high efficient water-saving; PPP; Shandong