Cite this article:.陕北盐碱土种植水稻土壤理化性质和作物产量研究[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Physicochemical Properties and Crop Yield of Rice Planted on Saline-Alkali Soil in Northern Shaanxi
The groundwater level in some saline-alkali land in Dingbian County is generally high all year round, and dryland crops cannot grow, but its rich hydrothermal resources meet the basic conditions for rice growth. Cultivate and screen rice varieties suitable for saline-alkali land cultivation in northern Shaanxi. And ecological environment improvement is of great significance. This study set four treatments: T1 treatment (Longyou 619), T2 treatment (Ningjing 28), T3 treatment (Dongdao No.4), and T4 treatment (Rice FL478), all of which used well water as the irrigation water source in Dingbian County Field experiments were carried out in Yingpanliang Village, Duiziliang Town to study the effects of different rice varieties planting on the physicochemical properties, nutrients, rice growth status, and yield of saline-alkali soils. The results showed that compared with the rice before planting, the pH values ??of all treated soils were similar. Reduced to varying degrees (P<0.05), planting rice can significantly reduce soil salinity (P<0.01). Overall, after planting rice, T1, T2, and T3 treatments promoted the increase in clay content and grain content. Increase, while T4 treatment has the lowest clay content and the highest sand content. The organic matter content and total nitrogen content of the treated soils were increased to varying degrees (P<0.01), but the available phosphorus and available potassium contents were significantly reduced (P<0.05). After planting rice, T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatments increased the organic matter content in the tillage layer of the soil by 219.87%, 398.34%, 218.91%, and -3.37%, and the total nitrogen content increased by 150.0%, 300.0%, and 160.71%, respectively. And 29.23%. Taken together, the soil organic matter content, total nitrogen content, and available potassium content of the T2 treatment were the largest, and the soil nutrient preservation effect in saline-alkali soil was the best. Each treatment had significant effects on rice plant height growth and number of ears per square meter (P<0.05). The 100-grain weight and acre yield of rice grown in saline-alkali land reached extremely significant levels (P<0.01). T1 treatments were higher than T2, T3, and T4, respectively. Processing increased by 4.96%, 42.78% and 161.64%. In summary, T2 treatment has the best effect on soil nutrient preservation, while T1 treatment has the highest yield. It is a rice variety that is more suitable for planting in saline soil in northern Shaanxi. According to the research situation, it is necessary to add fertilizers to promote soil available phosphorus. And increase in available potassium. The results of this study are of great significance for the use of saline land and the improvement of the ecological environment in northern Shaanxi.
Key words:  Saline-alkali land; rice cultivation; physical and chemical properties; yield