Cite this article:王斌,聂督,赵圆峰,等.水氮耦合对藜麦产量、氮素吸收和水氮利用的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
WANG Bin,NIE Du,ZHAO Yuanfeng,et al.水氮耦合对藜麦产量、氮素吸收和水氮利用的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Effects of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on Quinoa Yield, Nitrogen Absorption, and Water and Nitrogen Utilization
WANG Bin1, NIE Du1, ZHAO Yuanfeng2, HUO Xiaolan1, HUANG Gaojian1, ZHANG Qiang3
1.Institute of Agricultural Environment and Resources,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;2.College of Biological Engineering,Shanxi University Taiyuan;3.Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences
【Background】Since quinoa was introduced to China in the 1980s, it has attracted more and more attention because of its unique and rich nutritional value. In 2013, quinoa was planted about 667 hm2 in Jingle county, Shanxi province which is the first province on large scale quinoa planting in China. In 2019, the area of quinoa planted was about 13 333 hm2 in China. Although the planting area continues to expand, there is little scientific research on quinoa in China. The research on quinoa mainly focused on processing, cultivation and breeding and the research on quinoa water and nitrogen is very few in China nowadays. As we all know, water and nitrogen are two key factors for high yield of crops.The yield, quality and benefit of crops are significantly affected by the regulation of water and fertilizer utilization efficiency. At present, there are many problems in quinoa planting in China, such as excessive nitrogen fertilizer and unreasonable irrigation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the growth, yield, nutrient, water and fertilizer utilization of quinoa in different water and fertilizer conditions.【Objective】The objective of this study was explore the effects of different irrigation and nitrogen fertilization rates on quinoa yield, nitrogen absorption, and water and nitrogen utilization, and provide a theoretical basis for regulating water and nitrogen input in quinoa production.【Method】The two factors in this field trial were irrigation rate (W) with 3 levels(0,30,50 mm), and nitrogen application rate (N) with 5 levels(0,37.5,75,112.5,150 kg/hm2). The effects of different irrigation and nitrogen fertilization rates on quinoa dry matter accumulation, nitrogen uptake, yield, harvest index, apparent nitrogen budget, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, nitrogen utilization rate, water consumption, and water use efficiency etc. were examined.【Result】As nitrogen fertilization rate increased in the range of 37.5~150 kg/hm2 , the dry matter accumulation, the accumulation of nitrogen absorption, and yield were significantly increased by 59.4%~229 %, 42.9%277%, 288%1214%, respectively, when compared to the non-nitrogen fertilization treatment. As irrigation rate increased, dry matter accumulation during growth period was also increased correspondingly. The increase in the dry matter accumulation ranged from 9.2% to 39.7%, the increase in the amount of nitrogen accumulation ranged from 25.5% to 56.7%, and the increase in yield was from 20.2% to 24.9% due to the increase in irrigation input. The interaction of irrigation and nitrogen significantly influenced quinoa dry matter accumulation and grain nitrogen accumulation.When a nitrogen application rate was 37.5 kg/hm2 and an irrigation volume was 50 mm, the maximum harvest index (35.7%) was obtained. The nitrogen application rates between 75 to 112.5 kg/hm2, were considered reasonable and would not cause a substantial nitrogen surplus. When a nitrogen fertilization rate was 75 kg/hm2 and an irrigation volume was 30 mm, the maximum nitrogen agronomic efficiency (26.8 kg/kg) was found.When a nitrogen fertilization rate was 150 kg/hm2 and an irrigation volume was 50 mm, the nitrogen utilization rate and water use efficiency reached highest, which were 81.6% and 0.73 kg/m3.【Conclusion】The best nitrogen fertilization treatment was 112.5 kg/hm2, and the best irrigation level was 50 mm for quinoa.
Key words:  quinoa; water-nitrogen coupling; water and nitrogen utilization; nitrogen absorption; nitrogen use efficiency; water use efficiency