Cite this article:王惟舒,汪超子,王兴旺,等.变化环境下农田水生产力定量表征研究进展与展望[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
Wang Weishu,Wang Chaozi,Wang Xingwang,et al.变化环境下农田水生产力定量表征研究进展与展望[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Review on Quantitative Description of Farmland Water Productivity under Changing Environment
Wang Weishu, Wang Chaozi, Wang Xingwang, Huo Zailin
Center for Agricultural Water Research in China, China Agricultural University
【Objective】Farmland water productivity is a comprehensive indicator describing agricultural water use and agricultural production. Its quantitative description is the foundation of planning and managing water resources for agricultural production. The quantitative description of farmland water productivity has become a research hotspot under the worldwide circumstances of changing environment which is due to both climate change and changes in farmland management such as water saving irrigation. 【Method】Following the process of how farmland water produces new biomass, this paper reviews the current progress in the fields of stomatal control of photosynthesis and transpiration, process and quantitative characterization of farmland water cycle, as well as quantitative description of farmland water productivity and its response to the changing environment. 【Conclusion】In the future, we should break through the three aspects of research on crop transpiration-soil water-groundwater coupling mechanism, farmland water productivity model based on the coupling process of crop growth and water cycle, and simulation of the response of farmland water productivity to climate change and agricultural water saving. Prospects for future research on the quantitative characterization of farmland water productivity under changing environments.
Key words:  changing environment; farmland water productivity; farmland water cycle; quantitative description