Cite this article:靳晓辉,樊玉苗,胡亚伟,等.西辽河平原NDVI时空变化及其影响因素分析[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
jin xiaohui,fan yumiao,hu yawei,et al.西辽河平原NDVI时空变化及其影响因素分析[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Change and Influencing Factors of NDVI in Xiliao River Plain
jin xiaohui1, fan yumiao1, hu yawei1, song changji1, jia qian1, yan long2
1.Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research;2.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Abstract: 【Background】In the farming-pastoral zone in the semi-arid area of the north, terrestrial vegetation is the key support to ensure the safety of the ecological barrier. Climate change and human activities affect the survival and change of terrestrial vegetation in semi-arid area. Therefore, studying the temporal and spatial dynamics of vegetation and its influencing factors is the basis and prerequisite for protecting the fragile ecological environment in semi-arid areas, and is of great significance to maintaining the ecological balance and healthy development of terrestrial vegetation in semi-arid areas.【Objective】The purpose of this paper is to clarify the change of terrestrial vegetation growth and its influencing factors in Xiliao River Plain.【Method】 Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), groundwater, rainfall and temperature are used as basic data, and unary linear regression, Theil-Sen median trend, Mann-Kendall test, and correlation analysis were used to analyze the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of NDVI in the Xiliao River Plain in the past 21 years and its relationship with different influencing factors.【Result】(1) The NDVI of the terrestrial vegetation in the Xiliao River Plain has been increasing in the past 21 years. The increase in agricultural farming areas is strong, and the increase in natural vegetation areas is relatively weak. (2) There are obvious differences in the influencing factors of different terrestrial vegetation areas in the Xiliao River Plain. The NDVI of the agricultural farming area is mainly affected by groundwater factors, the NDVI of the natural vegetation area is mainly affected by rainfall, and the temperature mainly affects the vegetation in unused areas such as sandy land.【Conclusion】The NDVI of the agricultural farming area in the Xiliaohe Plain is developing steadily and positively due to artificial irrigation, and natural vegetation is affected by climatic factors in the future, the ecosystem may be more fragile, and the gradual restoration of groundwater to support the natural vegetation is an important direction to promote the development of natural vegetation.
Key words:  Xiliao River Plain; NDVI; temporal and spatial change; impact analysis