Cite this article:宋秋英,赵德芳,刘恩民.鲁西北灌区农业水资源特征及评价方法刍议[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
SONG Qiuying,ZHAO Defang,LIU Enmin.鲁西北灌区农业水资源特征及评价方法刍议[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Discussion on characteristics and evaluation methods of agricultural water resources in irrigation district of Northwest Shandong
SONG Qiuying1, ZHAO Defang2, LIU Enmin3
1.Qihe County Water Resources Bureau;2.Water Resources Bureau of Lingcheng District,Dezhou City;3.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
【Objective】The primary objectives of this study were (1) to clarify the main contradiction between the supply and demand of agricultural water resources in the irrigation district of the Yellow River in northwestern Shandong, (2) to establish a suitable agricultural water resources evaluation system for the irrigation area, and (3) to systematically evaluate the agricultural water resources under the influence of the water resource allocation project.【Method】The characteristics of crop water consumption was determined based on the large-scale lysimeters at the Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The long series of hydrological observation data were used to analyze the relationships between agricultural water use, water diversion from Yellow River and groundwater level change. A suitable agricultural water resources evaluation system was proposed in this irrigation area.【Result】The main contradiction between the supply and demand of agricultural water resources in northwestern Shandong occurred during the winter wheat growing season. Supplementary irrigation of approximately 350mm was required, which was generally the same as the annual water supply. The critical period of winter wheat water consumption was from jointing to the early filling stages, when irrigation application could improve water use efficiency. Irrigation water were mainly taken from the water diversion from the Yellow River, water storage in ditches, and groundwater extraction. Irrigation in the upper reaches was mainly supplied by the water diversion and canal storage, while the amount of groundwater extraction is almost zero. Groundwater from wells was the dominant water resource in the downstream of the irrigation area, and groundwater extraction accounted for 90-95%. Nevertheless, the water diversion from the Yellow River was mainly used to replenish groundwater except for February to May. Current soil water storage, water diversion, ditch storage, and groundwater availability should be comprehensively considered to evaluate agricultural water resources in the irrigation area. The regulation and storage capacity of groundwater should be used as an evaluation indicator.【Conclusion】The utilization of agricultural water resources in the irrigation district of Northwest Shandong should comprehensively consider the water diversion and replenishment of groundwater, incorporating use of wells and canals irrigation, and water storage in ditches. An appropriate increase of the well irrigation area and diversion time is recommended in the upstream and middle reaches. The diversion irrigation should be gradually developed to diversion-replenishment-irrigation mode and use groundwater reservoir capacity for seasonal regulation and storage of water resources.
Key words:  Agricultural water resources; Crop water consumption; Evaluation system; Groundwater regulation and storage capacity; Irrigation district of Northwest Shandong