Cite this article:刘畅,齐伟,王策,等.无机肥施用对农田干湿循环土壤收缩特性影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
Liuchang,QI Wei,WANG Ce,et al.无机肥施用对农田干湿循环土壤收缩特性影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Effect of Inorganic Fertilizer Application on Soil Shrinkage Characteristics of Wetting-Drying Cycle in Farmland
Liuchang1, QI Wei2, WANG Ce1, ZHANG Zhanyu1
【Objective】In order to study the effect of application of inorganic fertilizer on soil shrinkage characteristics. 【Method】a multi-stage cyclic dehydration experiment was carried out with southern silty loam soil,during which the soil was wetted by urea or potassium sulfate solution (1, 2, 3 g?L-1). 【Result】The results show that: 1) the soil transverse and longitudinal shrinkage decreased with the increasing number of drying-wetting cycles and gradually stabilized. The addition of inorganic fertilizer reduced the transverse and longitudinal shrinkage, and the performance became more obvious with the increasing cycles. 2) VG-Peng model had a good fitting effect on soil shrinkage characteristic curve, and each treatment group had four stages: structure shrinkage, proportion shrinkage, residual shrinkage and zero shrinkage. The drying-wetting cycle increased structural shrinkage stage, and decreased the stage of proportion shrinkage and residual shrinkage. The addition of inorganic fertilizer reduced the range of void ratio in the soil proportional shrinkage section. 3) The soil shrinkage experienced three stages: complete longitudinal shrinkage, mainly longitudinal shrinkage??, mainly transverse shrinkage. The anisotropy of soil shrinkage decreases after several drying-wetting cycles. 【Conclusion】The results showed that the application of inorganic fertilizer and wetting-drying cycling conditions weakened the soil shrinkage in varying degrees, and the accumulation of inorganic fertilizer after multiple cycles was the main reason for the decline of soil shrinkage.
Key words:  wetting-drying cycle; inorganic fertilizer; soil shrinkage strain; shrinkage characteristic curve; geometric factor