Cite this article:庞婕,韩其晟,周爽,等.水气互作对温室番茄生长、产量和水分利用效率的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
pangjie,hanqisheng,zhoushuang,et al.水气互作对温室番茄生长、产量和水分利用效率的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,0,():-.
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Effects of water and air interaction on growth yield and water use efficiency of greenhouse tomato
pangjie1, hanqisheng1, zhoushuang1, lihuanhuan1, songjiewen1,2, liuhao1
1.Farmland Irrigation Research Institute;2.Tarim University
【Objective】The suitable oxygen content in root zone and soil water condition have important influence on crop growth and yield . To explore the suitable water-air combination and aeration threshold range of greenhouse tomato can provide theoretical basis and technical guidance for high yield of greenhouse tomato. 【Method】Micro-nano bubble water combined with subsurface drip irrigation system was used in the experiment, and well water control (O1: The dissolved oxygen concentration of 3~5 mg.L-1), 15 mg.L-1 (O2) and 25 mg.L-1 (O3) for irrigation water, and three different irrigation control levels were set under each dissolved oxygen concentration. Soil moisture content was controlled at 80%~100% (W1), 65% ~ 85% (W2) and 50% ~ 70% (W3) of the field capacity, respectively. The effects of different combinations of water and air on growth, physiology,yield and water use efficiency of greenhouse tomato were studied.【Result】Soil water status significantly affected plant height and stem diameter of tomato (P < 0.01), and both plant height and stem diameter increased with the increase of soil water content, while dissolved oxygen concentration had no significant difference in plant height and stem diameter. Soil water status had significant effects on leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular carbon dioxide concentration (Ci) and transpiration rate (Tr). Water-air interaction only had significant effects on Pn and Tr, while dissolved oxygen concentration had no significant effects on leaf Pn, Gs, Ci and Tr. Both soil water status and water-air interaction significantly affected plant dry matter accumulation. Under the condition of sufficient water supply, the maximum dry matter accumulation appeared in O2W1 treatment, while there was no significant difference in dissolved oxygen concentration of different irrigation water under other water treatment. Soil moisture status (P < 0.01) and dissolved oxygen concentration (P < 0.05) significantly affected the root dry matter amount, and the root dry matter amount increased with the increase of soil moisture content and dissolved oxygen concentration of irrigation water. Soil water status (P < 0.01) and water-air interaction (P < 0.05) had significant effects on dry matter amount of overshoot. Soil water status had a significant effect on the root shoot ratio, which decreased first and then increased with the increase of soil water content, and increased with the increase of dissolved oxygen concentration. The yield per plant and water use efficiency (WUE) decreased significantly with the decrease of soil moisture content, and the yield increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of dissolved oxygen concentration of irrigation water. The yield per plant under O2W1 treatment was the highest (1.77 kg. plant-1). The concentration of dissolved oxygen has no significant effect on WUE, but the water-air interaction has a significant effect on WUE. Under the condition of full water supply (W1), The WUE of O2 and O3 increases by 26.8% and 21.4%, respectively, compared with O1, and the difference reaches a significant level. 【Conclusion】Aerated irrigation had positive effects on tomato growth and promoted root growth obviously. Under the condition of full water supply, aerated irrigation can improve yield and WUE, but under the condition of water deficit, aerated irrigation has no significant effect on yield and WUE. In terms of coordinated root and crown growth, yield and water use efficiency of tomato, O2W1 treatment could achieve the coordination and unity of promoting tomato growth and high yield and efficiency when the gas was 15 mg.L-1 and the lower limit of irrigation was 80% of field water capacity.
Key words:  aerated irrigation; Micro nano bubble water; Yield; Water use efficiency; Subsurface drip irrigation