Cite this article:唐晓萌,徐海峰,丁霞.淠史杭灌区放水涵量测水工程自动化改造与实现[J].灌溉排水学报,,():-.
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Automation Transformation and Realization of Drainage Culvert Measurement Project in Pishihang Irrigation District
tangxiaomeng1, xuhaifeng2, dinxia3
1.General Administrative Office of Anhui Pi-Shi-Hang Irrigation District;2.Nanjing Research Institute of Hydrology and Water Conservation Automation,Ministry of Water Resources;3.Yuanbao Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
The canal drainage culvert Project in Pishihang Irrigation district is a building controlled by agricultural irrigation water users. The monitoring of the irrigation water volume of the drainage culvert has always been carried out by manual inspection. Combined with the continued construction of the irrigation area and the water-saving renovation project, the drainage culvert uses hydraulic engineering. The building flow measurement method can be automatically transformed to replace the traditional manual water monitoring, which can greatly improve the management efficiency, and can form a network to form an automatic monitoring system for irrigation water measurement, becoming an integral part of the irrigation area perception system, and for the subsequent construction of digital irrigation areas and lay the foundation for the modernization of the irrigation area.
Key words:  irrigation district; drainage culvert; Hydraulic Construction; water measurement, automatic monitoring