MA Mingjie,YANG Jige,LI Dongmin,et al.不同灌溉方式对苜蓿产量与品质的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,42(11):24-30.
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马明杰,杨继革,李冬民,杨文新,杨胜春,王克贤,赵经华,李 池,袁如芯
1.新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052;2.克拉玛依绿城农业开发有限责任公司, 新疆 克拉玛依 834000;3.新疆水利工程安全与水灾害防治重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052
关键词:  苜蓿;灌溉方式;模糊综合评判;产量;品质
The Effects of Irrigation Methods on Yield and Quality of Alfalfa
MA Mingjie, YANG Jige, LI Dongmin, YANG Wenxin, YANG Shengchun, WANG Kexian, ZHAO Jinghua, LI Chi, YUAN Ruxin
1. College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China; 2. Karamay Greentown Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Karamay 834000, China; 3. Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Water Conservancy Engineering Safety and Water Disaster Prevention, Urumqi 830052, China
【Objective】Alfalfa is a prevalent crop in northwestern China and its cultivation heavily depends on irrigation. This paper is to delve into the influence of irrigation methods on yield and quality of alfalfa, with the ultimate goal to improve its water use efficiency.【Method】The experiment was conducted from April to September in 2021 in an irrigated alfalfa field in Karamay, Xinjiang. It compared three irrigation methods: shallow drip irrigation (W1), point sprinkler irrigation (W2), and rolling sprinkler irrigation (W3). In each treatment, we measured the growth traits, water consumption, water-saving index, and yield and quality of the alfalfa. The optimal irrigation method was determined using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on combination weighting.【Result】As the times of cutting increased, the height, stem diameter and yield of the alfalfa decreased, while its crude protein content increased. As time elapsed following the third and fourth cutting, the water consumption decreased first followed by an increase. The total water consumption during the two stages varied with irrigation method, and their significance was ranked in the order of W1W2>W3. Both shallow drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation effectively improved plant quality. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation indicated that, overall, the shallow drip irrigation was optimal for growth, water consumption, yield and quality of the crop.【Conclusion】The shallow buried drip irrigation not only saved water but also improved yield and quality of the alfalfa. It is hence most suitable for alfalfa cultivation in the arid and water-scarce regions in the northwest of China.
Key words:  alfalfa; irrigation method; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; yields; quality