引用本文: | 王绪存,吴 荣,马佳东.超声波流量计测流在扬黄渠道的应用研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,42(11):90-97. |
| WANG Xucun,WU Rong,MA Jiadong.超声波流量计测流在扬黄渠道的应用研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,42(11):90-97. |
摘要: |
【目的】提高超声波流量计在扬黄灌区多泥沙渠道的测流精度。【方法】基于多声道超声波流量计的测流原理,分析超声波流量计在渠道测流上的影响因素,对测控一体化闸门进行改造,闸门控制过闸流量,斗渠上设置多声道超声波测流槽测量过流量;并对测流槽上超声波换能器角度进行调整,使超声波声强的有效距离变短,增加声强的识别能力;利用超声波液位计和超声波换能器的联动对渠道流量进行测量。【结果】采用闸门和测流分体设置,不会影响闸门的自动控制、测流数据监测和计算分析,还能使斗渠内的水流平稳;在高泥沙水流中,渠道超声波声强有效距离变短后声强的衰减量减小,超声波声强的识别能力增强,提高流量的测量精度。【结论】经过改造后的303斗口在不同含沙量和水深条件下的比测精度对比,测量误差均在5%以内,满足自动化流量测控要求。该成果可为灌区测量水自动化改造提供技术支撑,对多泥沙渠道的信息化建设进行有益的探索。 |
关键词: 超声波流量计;测流;扬黄渠道;高泥沙水流;计量 |
DOI:10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2022465 |
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Application of Ultrasonic Flowmeter in Yellow-river Irrigation Channels |
WANG Xucun, WU Rong, MA Jiadong
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Ocean And Water Management Office, Zhongning 755100, China
Abstract: |
【Objective】As the allocation of Yellow River water for irrigation diminishes, there is a pressing need to improve irrigation management. A fundamental requirement for achieving this objective is a comprehensive understanding of water flow in each irrigation channel. The aim of this paper is to propose a method to improve the precision of ultrasonic flowmeters for measuring flow rates in these sediment-laden channels.【Method】The proposed method is based on the principles of multi-channel ultrasonic flow measurement. It entails a comprehensive redesign of the integrated measurement and control gate. An automatic gate is installed to regulate flow through the gate, while a multi-channel ultrasonic measuring tank and an ultrasonic level meter are placed downstream of the canal gate to measure canal flow. The angle of the ultrasonic transducer on the measuring tank is adjusted by shifting from the original 45° to 60°. This adjustment shortens the effective distance of ultrasonic sound intensity, reducing the attenuation of sound intensity caused by factors like sediment, bubbles, and suspended impurities in the water. An additional ultrasonic level gauge is integrated into the upper section of the measuring tank, and channel flow is measured through the coordinated operation of the ultrasonic level gauge and ultrasonic transducer.【Result】The separate installation of the control gate and the flow measuring tank has no adverse impact on gate automatic control or the monitoring and analytical calculation of flow measurement data. Furthermore, it stabilizes water flow within the canal and decreases the Reynolds coefficient of the channel flow, reducing interference from culverts and water flow noise on sound intensity. In cases of high sediment concentration, the shortened effective distance of the channel ultrasonic sound intensity leads to reduced sound intensity attenuation. This enhances the ultrasonic transducer's ability to recognize sound intensity and substantially improves flow measurement accuracy, especially in conditions characterized by high sediment content and impurities. The separate reconstruction of the gate and measuring flume at the 303 bucket mouth of the three trunk lines was compared under varying water depths and sediment concentrations. The measurement error in several scenarios remained within 5%. 【Conclusion】The automatic water measurement facilities developed in this paper meet the rigorous requirements for automatic flow measurement and control in irrigation areas. The results have potential for application in modernization of sediment-laden channel water measurement in high sediment concentration areas, thus contributing to the information technology advancements in such channels. |
Key words: ultrasonic flowmeter; flow measurement; Yellow River Channel; high sediment flow; measurement |