引用本文:余 静,庞桂斌,于浩洋,等.冬小麦测墒补灌下土壤氮素迁移特征模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(1):28-34.
YU Jing,PANG Guibin,YU Haoyang,et al.冬小麦测墒补灌下土壤氮素迁移特征模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(1):28-34.
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余 静,庞桂斌,于浩洋,薛建文,丛 鑫,张立志,王 昕,徐征和
1.济南大学 水利与环境学院,济南 250022;2.山东省水利科学研究院,济南 250014
【目的】探究冬小麦测墒补灌条件下土壤氮素迁移特征。【方法】基于田间试验,设置4个灌溉处理,灌水上下限分别为田间持水率的60%~70%(W1)、70%~80%(W2)、80%~90%(W3)和不灌溉处理(CK),施氮量均为240 kg/hm2。利用田间试验数据对RZWQM 2模型进行率定、验证,进而模拟水氮调控对土壤硝态氮累积量和氮素利用的影响。【结果】土壤剖面含水率、土壤硝态氮量和产量的标准均方根误差(NRMSE)分别为9.3%~25.0%、0.3%~29.7%、4.03%~11.19%,平均相对误差(MRE)分别为8.0%~24.2%、1.4%~30.4%、5.29%~11.98%,一致性指标(D)均高于0.65;基于验证后的RZWQM 2模型,在W1、W2、W3测墒补灌条件下,设置5个氮素施用水平(180、200、220、240 kg/hm2和260 kg/hm2),W2、W3处理的土壤硝态氮累积量较W1处理分别增加了30.9%~59.7%、49.6%~79.6%;W2条件下,将施氮量控制在220~240 kg/hm2更有利于土壤硝态氮在0~1 m土层内的累积,累积量为108.30~125.10 kg/hm2。【结论】RZWQM 2模型可用于模拟冬小麦测墒补灌条件下的土壤氮素迁移,测墒补灌W2和施氮量220~240 kg/hm2为合理的水氮管理措施。
关键词:  RZWQM 2模型;测墒补灌;水氮调控;硝态氮累积;氮素利用效率
Characteristics of soil nitrogen transport under moisture measurement and supplemental irrigation in winter wheat
YU Jing, PANG Guibin, YU Haoyang, XUE Jianwen, CONG Xin, ZHANG Lizhi, WANG Xin, XU Zhenghe
1. College of Water Resources and Environment, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China; 2. Water Resources Research Institute of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, China
【Objective】To explore reasonable water and nitrogen management practices in the main winter wheat producing areas of North China. 【Method】A field experiment was carried out at the Irrigation Experiment Centre Station of Shandong Province from 2020 to 2021 using "Qimai No.1" wheat as the material. Four irrigation treatments were set up, with the upper and lower limits of irrigation at 60%-70% (W1), 70%-80% (W2), 80%-90% (W3) and no irrigation (CK) of the field water holding capacity, and the application rate of nitrogen was 240 kg/hm2. The data from the experiments were used to determine the rate of the parameters of the RZWQM 2 model and to validate the model, and the model was applied to simulate the effects of the water and nitrogen regulation on the accumulation of soil nitrate nitrogen and nitrogen use. The model was used to simulate the effects of water and nitrogen regulation on soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen utilisation.【Result】 The results showed that the standard root mean square errors (NRMSE) of soil profile water content, soil nitrate nitrogen amount and yield ranged from 9.3% to 25.0%, 0.3% to 29.7% and 4.03% to 11.19%, respectively, and the mean relative errors (MRE) ranged from 8.0% to 24.2%, 1.4% to 30.4%, and 5.29% to 11.98%, respectively, with consistency index D were all higher than 0.65; using the corrected RZWQM 2 model, five nitrogen levels (180, 200, 220, 240 kg/hm2and 260 kg/hm2) were set at W1, W2 and W3 moisture measurement and recharge levels, and the soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation produced at the W2 and W3 levels was increased by 30.9%-59.7% and 49.6%-79.6%, respectively, compared with the W1; The simulation concluded that N application of 220-240 kg/hm2 and W2 levels were more favourable for soil nitrate N accumulation in the 0-1 m soil layer, with accumulation of 108.30-125.10 kg/hm2. Nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer bias productivity of N application of 220 kg/hm2 and W2 levels were 59% and 23.4 kg/kg, respectively. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, the RZWQM 2 model can be used to simulate soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen utilisation in the main production area of winter wheat in North China, and moisture supplemental irrigation W2 and nitrogen application of 220-240 kg/hm2 are more reasonable water and nitrogen management measures in this area.
Key words:  RZWQM 2 model; supplemental irrigation by measuring moisture; water and nitrogen regulation; nitrate-nitrogen accumulation; nitrogen use efficiency