引用本文:牛 奇,任春平,吴建华,等.地表水置换地下水对宋古超采区地下水位影响的数值模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(1):97-103.
NIU Qi,REN Chunping,WU Jianhua,et al.地表水置换地下水对宋古超采区地下水位影响的数值模拟研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(1):97-103.
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牛 奇,任春平,吴建华,高红卫
太原理工大学 水利科学与工程学院,太原 030024
【目的】探究东山供水工程实施后,地表水置换地下水对介休市宋古超采区地下水位的影响。【方法】采用SWAT-MODFLOW建立宋古超采区地表水文过程和地下水动力过程耦合模型,对东山供水不同保证率下的压采方案进行地下水位模拟预测。【结果】压采措施实施后,宋古超采区地下水位回升明显,地下水整体由采补平衡转变为正均衡;在最小供水保证率下,研究区地下水位也有明显回升,地下水超采中心地下水位回升速率约为0.73 m/a,地下水超采中心由宋古逐渐向介休城区移动;对于地下水位<670、680、690 m地下水超采面积,90%供水保证率下的地下水位回升面积变化率分别是50%供水保证率下地下水位回升的1.78倍、1.8倍、2倍。【结论】地表水置换地下水对于宋古超采区地下水位回升效果显著,在水资源丰富的情况下,地表水置换地下水可以适当促进地下水恢复。
关键词:  宋古;地表水置换地下水;供水保证率;SWAT-MODFLOW;东山供水
Numerical simulation research on the impact of surface water replacement on groundwater level in the overexploited area of Songgu
NIU Qi, REN Chunping, WU Jianhua, GAO Hongwei
College of Water Resource Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
【Objective】Explore the impact of surface water replacement on groundwater level in the Songgu overexploited area of Jiexiu city after the implementation of the Dongshan water supply project. 【Method】 Using the SWAT-MODFLOW coupling model, the surface hydrological processes and groundwater dynamics in the Songgu overexploited area were established, and groundwater level simulation predictions were made for different guaranteed rates of the Dongshan water supply project's pressure mining plan.【Result】After implementing the pressure mining measures, the groundwater level in the Songgu overexploited area rebounded significantly and the overall underground water balance shifted from negative to positive equilibrium. Under the minimum water supply guarantee rate, the groundwater level in the study area also showed a significant rebound, with a groundwater level rebound rate of about 0.73 m/a at the center of the funnel, which gradually moved from Songgu to Jiexiu urban area. The area of groundwater level recovery under 90% water supply guarantee rate for groundwater level below 670, 680, and 690 m increased by 1.78 times, 1.8 times, and 2 times, respectively, compared to that under 50% water supply guarantee rate. 【Conclusion】The replacement of surface water with groundwater has a significant effect on the rebound of groundwater level in the Songgu overexploited area. In situations where water resources are abundant, surface water replacement can appropriately promote groundwater recovery.
Key words:  Songgu; surface water replaces groundwater; water supply guarantee rate; SWAT-MODFLOW; Dongshan water supply