引用本文: | 崔文军,刘浩,孙景生,等.盆栽条件下不同灌水方式对移栽短季棉苗期生长发育的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
| CUI Wenjun,LIU Hao,SUN Jingsheng,et al.盆栽条件下不同灌水方式对移栽短季棉苗期生长发育的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
摘要: |
为了明确不同灌水方式对麦后移栽短季棉缓苗进程的影响,在盆栽试验条件下,设置了滴灌、喷灌和地面灌溉3种灌水方式,研究了不同灌水方式下移栽短季棉苗期植株生长、耗水规律、根系生长、干物质累积及干物质水平上的水分利用效率(WUEm)。结果表明,3种灌水方式对短季棉苗期植株的地上部分生长没有显著影响;与地面灌溉方式相比,滴灌和喷灌灌水方式下短季棉苗期的耗水量分别减小了30.8%和14.4%;不同灌水方式的短季棉新生根数无显著性差异,但滴灌灌水方式显著提高了单株根长和根冠比,大幅度提高了WUEm。在不降低地上干物质生产的基础上,滴灌有效地促进了根系生长,为后期棉花营养生长和生殖生长奠定了良好的基础 |
关键词: 灌水方式; 耗水量; 根系; 干物质; 水分利用效率 |
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Effect of Irrigation Methods on Growth of Transplanted Fast-growing Cotton Seedling Investigated Using Pot Experiments |
CUI Wenjun, LIU Hao, SUN Jingsheng, ZHANG Hao
Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Crop Water Use and Regulation, Ministry of Agriculture, Xinxiang 453002, China
Abstract: |
This paper investigated the impact of drip irrigation (DT), sprinkler irrigation (CT) and surface irrigation (ST) on growth of transplanted fast-growing cotton seedling using pot experiments. During the experiment, water consumption, root growth, accumulation of dry matter, dry matter, as well as water use efficiency (WUEm) was measured. The results showed that the growth of the above-ground dry matter under the three irrigation methods was approximately the same, but DT and ST reduced the water consumption by 30.8% and 14.4% respectively compared with CT. The root length per plant in all three irrigation methods was almost the same, while DT considerably increased the root-shoot ratio, single root length and WUEm. DT promoted root growth without scarifying above-ground biomass accumulation, thereby benefiting the reproductive growth of the plant at late stages. |
Key words: irrigation method; water consumption; root system; dry matter; water use efficiency |