引用本文: | 邹鹏飞,原保忠,胡晓东,等.蕾期涝渍胁迫对盆栽棉花生长和产量特性的影响1[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
| ZOU Pengfei,YUAN Baozhong,HU Xiaodong,et al.蕾期涝渍胁迫对盆栽棉花生长和产量特性的影响1[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
摘要: |
涝渍灾害是棉花生产中面临的重要自然灾害之一,长江流域棉花蕾期常遭遇多雨天气而产生涝渍灾害。在盆栽条件下,以华棉3109为试验材料,研究了不同涝害胁迫7 d(T1处理)和14 d(T2处理)对棉花生长和产量特性的影响,正常灌水管理作为对照(CK)。结果表明,在涝渍胁迫处理期间,棉花叶片SPAD值、株高、绿叶数、倒四叶功能叶叶面积、开花数、蕾数、结铃数、果枝数和果节数均表现为:CK>T1处理>T2处理。在处理结束之后(花铃期),受涝渍胁迫棉株株高、茎粗、蕾数、开花数、结铃数、果枝数和果节数等指标都相继出现快速补偿性生长现象。但是随着涝渍胁迫时间的增加,棉花蕾铃脱落率升高,成铃率下降,最终产量构成因素和单株籽棉产量呈下降趋势 |
关键词: 蕾期; 涝渍胁迫; 棉花;生长; 产量 |
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Effect of Flooding and Waterlogging at Squaring Stage on Growth and Yield of Cotton Studied Using Pot Experiment |
ZOU Pengfei, YUAN Baozhong, HU Xiaodong, WANG Yun
College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
Abstract: |
Flooding and waterlogging were main abiotic stresses for cotton. This paper studied the change in morphological traits of cotton cultivar Hua Mian 3109 subjected to flooding and waterlogging at squaring stage in the Yangtze River valley of China, as well as the ultimate yield using pot experiments. Three water treatments at the squaring stage were examined: normal irrigation (CK), flooding/waterlogging for seven days(T1), and flooding/waterlogging for 14 days (T2). The results showed that the flooding and waterlogging reduced almost all morphological traits, including SPAD value, plant height, functional leaf area, the number of green leaves, squares, flowers, bolls, fruiting branches, and fruiting nodes. The severity of the impact was in the order of CK>T1>T2. It was also found that there was a quick recovery in plant growth after the flooding and waterlogging was relieved. However, a prolonged waterlogging led to a reduction in seed yield and decrease in abscission of flowers, squares and bolls. |
Key words: squaring period; flooding and waterlogging stress; cotton; growth; yield |