DU Juanjuan,LI Fenchan.不同灌水及施肥措施对冬小麦生长及产量影响的试验研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):.
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杜娟娟, 李粉婵
山西省水利水电科学研究院, 太原 030002
为了探明水肥对小麦生长和产量的影响,于2011—2014 年在山西省临汾市灌溉试验站进行冬小麦田间试验,研究了不同水肥条件对冬小麦叶面积、干物质量、产量等的影响以及施肥量、水量与产量之间的关系。结果表明,改善水氮状况,可以有效提高植株的叶面积,处理3各时期的叶面积的平均值比处理2高出32.3%。在灌溉供水相对受限或降水相对较少的2012—2013年度,水是限制氮肥肥效发挥的一个重要因素,各不同施氮处理之间干物质量差异不显著(P<0.05),且该年份的处理2地上干物质量增加较缓慢,在3个年度中是最低的。在相同的供水水平下,施肥量与小麦产量呈抛物线关系,且氮肥用量与供水量之间有明显的正交互作用。在冬小麦的生长培育过程中,通过改善水氮条件,可以有效提高其叶面积及干物质量,达到高产高效的目的。
关键词:  冬小麦; 水肥条件; 生长状况; 产量; 正交互
Experimental Study on the Growth and Yield of Winter Wheat underDifferent Irrigations and Nitrogen Applications
DU Juanjuan, LI Fenchan
Shanxi Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Taiyuan 030002, China
Field experiments were conducted from 2011 to 2014 in Linfen Irrigation Experimental Station of Shanxi province in attempts to investigate the impact of different irrigations and nitrogen applications on physiological traits (leaf area, dry weightand yield) of winter wheat, as well as the relationship between yield and water and fertilizer amount. The results showed that an appropriate combination of irrigation and nitrogen effectively increased the leaf area. For example, the average leaf area at different growth stages in Treatment 3 was 32.3% higher than that in Treatment 2. Water deficiency caused by either insufficient irrigation or decrease in precipitation in 2012—2013 limited the use efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer. When annual precipitation was relatively low, thedry-mass weight under different nitrogen treatments did not show significant difference, and the accumulation of dry-matterinTreatment 2 was the lowest among all the treatments during the three-year experiment. At the same irrigation, the fertilizer amount and yield was parabolically related and the nitrogen and water interacted positively. Therefore, appropriately manipulating irrigation and nitrogen application can improve leaf area, dry-matterweight so as to achieve high yield.
Key words:  winter wheat; water and fertilizer condition; growth; yields; positive interaction