引用本文: | 顾鑫,任翠梅,杨丽,等.天然煤炭腐植酸对盐碱土改良效果的研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
| GU Xin,REN Cuimei,YANG Li,et al.天然煤炭腐植酸对盐碱土改良效果的研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
摘要: |
为探索天然煤炭腐殖酸对盐碱土改良的效果,通过设置不同配比的腐植酸与土壤,进行小白菜的室外盆栽试验。结果表明,在腐殖酸与土壤体积比大于1/2的处理中,小白菜均能生长,各处理间差异显著,其中H8(腐殖酸与土壤体积比为4∶2)处理植株出苗率平均为67.9%,叶长平均为8.6 cm,叶宽平均为2.3 cm,主根深平均为4.8 cm,均显著高于其他处理(P<0.05);随着腐殖酸添加量的增加,土壤pH值和EC整体上呈降低趋势,而土壤含水率整体呈上升趋势。天然煤炭腐殖酸施到盐碱土上起到了改良的作用,使得小白菜能够发芽生长。 |
关键词: 煤炭腐殖酸; 盐碱土; 土壤改良; 小白菜 |
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Humic Acid in Natural Coal Affects Remediation of Saline-alkali Soil |
GU Xin , REN Cuimei, YANG Li, CHENG Ziliang, RUI Haiying, LIU Yang, WANG Xingzhu
Daqing Branches of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Daqing 163316, China; Heilongjiang Tianyi Cheng Mining Group, Haerbin 150090, China
Abstract: |
Pot experiments grown with pakchoi were conducted in this work to study the efficacy of humic acid within natural coal in remediating saline-alkali soil. Different humic acid-saline-alkali soil ratios were examined. The results showed that when humic acid-soil ratio was more than 1/2, the pakchoi grew but there was significant difference between all treatments. When humic acid-soil ratio was 4∶2 (H8), the average seedling emergence rate was 67.9%, leaf length was 8.6 cm, leaf width was 2.3 cm, and the mean root depth was 4.8 cm, all being significantly higher than those under other treatments (P<0.05). With an increase inhumic acid content, the soil pH and EC decreased, while soil water content increased. The natural coal humic acid played an improved role in pakchoi germination and growth in saline-alkali soil. |
Key words: coal humic acid; saline-alkali soil; soil improvement; pakchoi |