引用本文:海兴岩,张 泽,马革新,等.不同灌溉方式对棉花细根动态变化的影响研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(11):1-6.
HAI Xingyan,ZHANG Ze,MA Gexin,et al.不同灌溉方式对棉花细根动态变化的影响研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(11):1-6.
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海兴岩, 张 泽, 马革新, 马露露, 吕 新
石河子大学 农学院, 新疆 石河子 832003; 新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室, 新疆 石河子 832003
关键词:  棉花; 滴灌; 漫灌; 根系; 周转
Growth and Senescence of Fine Roots of Cotton under Drip Irrigation Differ from Those under Flooding Irrigation
HAI Xingyan, ZHANG Ze, MA Gexin, MA Lulu, LYU Xin
College of Agronomy, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China; Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecological Agriculture, Xinjiang Production Group, Shihezi 832003, China
The development of plant roots depends on soil moisture, and this paper investigated experimentally how the fine roots of cotton respond to drip and flooding irrigations. The experiment was conducted in 2016 and the growth and senescence of the roots, including change in their lengths and diameters, were measured using theCI-600 root growth monitoring system, from which we calculated the growth rate (A), the senescence rate (D) and the growth-senescenceratio (RAD). The results showed that the biomass of the fine roots under the two irrigations reached a peak before declining drastically. Theflooding irrigation led to an early growth of the roots compared with the drip irrigation, while in the late growth stages, the roots senesce faster under drip irrigation than under flooding irrigation. The growth and senescencerates, both average and maximum, under drip irrigation were faster than under flooding irrigation. The RAD calculated from the datarevealed that the roots grew and senesced simultaneously, althoughthe growth dominated over the senescence. The root turnover under drip irrigation was 0.88/0.67, slightly higher than that under flooding irrigation, which was 0.77/0.61. We also found that the roots under drip irrigation were more vigorous than those under flooding irrigation
Key words:  cotton root; drip irrigation; flooding irrigation; root; turnover