引用本文:盛统民,马英杰,洪 明,等.桶栽条件下干旱区幼龄红枣树耗水规律试验研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(12):.
SHENG Tongmin,MA Yingjie,HONG Ming,et al.桶栽条件下干旱区幼龄红枣树耗水规律试验研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(12):.
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盛统民, 马英杰, 洪 明, 赵经华
新疆农业大学 水利与土木程学院, 乌鲁木齐 830052
以阿克苏地区3 a生桶栽灰枣树为试材,用称质量法对不同灌水定额下耗水量变化规律进行研究。试验设20 mm(C1处理)、25 mm(C2处理)、30 mm(C3处理)、35 mm(C4处理)和40 mm(C5处理) 5个灌水定额处理,各处理灌水周期相同。结果表明,各处理单株日耗水量分别在1.09~3.45 mm(C1处理)、1.40~4.00 mm(C2处理)、1.56~4.50 mm(C3处理)、1.87~5.21 mm(C4处理)、2.01~5.59 mm(C5处理)之间变化,随灌水定额增加而增大,全生育期耗水量累计值为368.6~635.1 mm,各灌水处理花期的耗水模数明显高于其他生育期,耗水模数在36.6%~38.1 %之间变化。当灌水定额为20~35 mm时,红枣的产量、水分利用效率均随灌水定额的增大而增加,当灌水定额为40 mm时,红枣的产量、水分利用效率减小,各处理产量在P=0.05水平下差异显著。综合考虑当灌水定额达35 mm时,红枣产量、水分利用效率达到最优。
关键词:  红枣; 耗水规律; 灌水定额; 水分利用效率
Water Consumption of Jujube Trees in Arid Area Investigated Using Pot Experiments
SHENG Tongmin, MA Yingjie, HONG Ming, ZHAO Jinghua
College of Hydraulic and Civil Engineering of Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
Water consumption of three-year old young jujube trees were investigated using pot experiment in Akesu, Xinjiang. The trees were irrigated with the same irrigation schedules under five treatments: 20 mm(C1), 25 mm(C2), 30 mm(C3), 35 mm(C4), 40 mm(C5). The results showed that the daily water consumption of each plant under different treatments was 1.09~3.45 mm in C1, 1.40~4.00 mm in C2, 1.56~4.50 mm in C3, 1.87~5.21 mm in C4 and 2.01~5.59 mm in C5, and the water consumption increased with the irrigation amount; the cumulative water consumption during the whole growth period was 368.6~635.1 mm. Water consumption modulus at the flowering stage was significantly higher than that at other stages, changing between 36.6% to 38.1 %. The jujube fruit yield and water use efficiency increased with the irrigation amount when the irrigation was between 20 mm and 35 mm. With the irrigation increasing from 35 mm to 40 mm, the jujube fruit yield and water use efficiency decreased. The jujube fruit yield of each treatment showed significant difference at 0.05 level, and the highest yield and water use efficiency was when irrigation was 35 mm.
Key words:  red jujube; water consumption rule; irrigation quota; water use efficiency