引用本文: | 左其亭,郝林钢,马军霞,等.“一带一路”分区水问题与借鉴中国治水经验的思考[J].灌溉排水学报,2018,37(1):1-7. |
| ZUO Qiting,HAO Lingang,MA Junxia,et al.“一带一路”分区水问题与借鉴中国治水经验的思考[J].灌溉排水学报,2018,37(1):1-7. |
摘要: |
“一带一路”沿线涉及区域广,水资源问题复杂多样,对其进行系统总结,并结合中国治水经验提出解决方案,可以促进“一带一路”倡议实施。文章在研究“一带一路”主体路线及主体水资源区的基础上,将主体水资源区分为东亚、西亚、南亚、中亚、东南亚、东欧、中欧、西欧、南欧、北非和东非共11个一级水资源分区。分别统计联合国粮农组织AQUASTAT数据库的各国水资源量和居民获得安全饮用水百分比数据,世界资源研究所网站提供的洪灾、旱灾、供水年际和年内变化评价数据,在此基础上分析了各分区的水问题;并进一步总结了“一带一路”沿线主要水问题,具体包括洪灾、旱灾、水资源短缺、水污染、水资源时空分布不均和供水问题,分析了不同水问题的破解难度;总结了中国现代治水经验,主要包括节水型社会建设、水资源可持续利用、人水和谐思想、最严格水资源管理制度、河湖水系连通战略和水生态文明理念,并针对“一带一路”主要水问题,给出了解决办法。以期为进一步有针对性地定量化研究“一带一路”分区水问题提供方向和思路。 |
关键词: “一带一路”; 主体路线; 水资源区; 水问题; 中国治水经验 |
DOI:10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2017.0648 |
分类号: |
基金项目: |
“Belt and Road” Water Problem in Regionalization and Reflections on Drawing Lessons from China’s Water Management Experiences |
ZUO Qiting, HAO Lingang, MA Junxia, HAN Chunhui
a. School of Water Conservancy & Environment; b. Center for Water Science Research, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract: |
The “Belt and Road” includes many areas and there are many complicated water problems along it. For the successful implementation of initiative, it is necessary to analyze the water problems and learn from China’s experience in water management. Based on the main route and water resources areas of the “Belt and Road” identified by the research team, this paper divided the main water resources areas into East Asia, West Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe, North Africa and East Africa. To begin with, this paper collected the amount of water resources and the percentage of population with access to safe drinking-water of AQUASTAT database of FAO, and the evaluation data of flood occurrence, drought severity, inter-annual and seasonal variability in water supply of World Resources Institute. Then, the water resources problems in each regionalization were analyzed. Next, the main water resources problems were summarized. The main water resources problems include flood, drought, water shortage, water pollution, uneven distribution of water resources and water supply crisis. And then we analyzed the difficulty of solving different water problems. At last, we summarized the China’s water experiences, mainly including water-saving society development, water resource sustainable utilization, human-water harmony, strictest water resources management system, interconnected river system network and water ecological civilization, and for different water resources problems, we given the solution. It is expected to provide a direction and idea for further quantitative research water problem along the “Belt and Road”. |
Key words: the “Belt and Road”; the main route; the main water resources areas; water problem; China’s water management experiences |