引用本文:张传更,高 阳,张立明,等.水分管理措施对施用有机肥麦田土壤酶活性和微生物群落结构的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2018,37(2):38-44.
ZHANG Chuangeng,GAO Yang,ZHANG Liming,et al.水分管理措施对施用有机肥麦田土壤酶活性和微生物群落结构的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2018,37(2):38-44.
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张传更, 高 阳, 张立明, 司转运, 李 双
中国农业科学院 农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点实验室, 河南 新乡 453002;辽宁省葫芦岛市水文局, 辽宁 葫芦岛 125000
关键词:  有机肥; 水分胁迫; 土壤酶活性; 微生物多样性; 微生物群落结构; 主成分分析; LEFSE分析
Effects of Water Management on Soil Enzyme Activitiesand Microbial Community Structure in Wheat Fields with Organic Fertilizer Application
ZHANG Chuangeng, GAO Yang, ZHANG Liming, SI Zhuanyun, LI Shuang
Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinxiang 453002,China Huludao Municipal Bureau of Hydrology, Huludao 125000,China
【Objective】 Study the effects of different water management measures on soil microbial community structure and soil enzyme activities in wheat field with organic manure. 【Method】 The changes of soil microbial community structure and soil enzyme activities under different fertilization treatment of full water supply and under water stress were analyzed in the field experiment. 【Result】 The activities of sucrase, alkaline phosphatase, cellulase, catalase and urease with sufficient water were significantly higher than those of the other treatment with water stress under the same fertilization, the activities of sucrase, alkaline phosphatase and cellulase could be significantly improved by the application of organic fertilizer, and the application of organic fertilizer had no significant effect on urease under the same water condition; the activity of catalase was enhanced by organic fertilizer under the condition of sufficient water supply. According to the Shannon and Simpson index, the community diversity of T1 and T2 was higher than that of T3 and T4. According to the Richness index, the richness of T1 was 31, and was increased by 15.01%, 40.90% and 72.22% than that of T2, T3 and T4, respectively. The principal component analysis showed that the microbial community structure of different treatments was significantly different, and the water treatment had some effects on the rhizosphere microbial community structure actively. According to the LEFSE analysis, phylum Firmicutes, order Myxococcales and order Sphingobacteriales had significant effect on T2 and T1; phylum Chloroflexi had significant effect on T3 and T4. 【Conclusion】 Application of organic fertilizer with full water supply could significantly improve the activities of sucrase, alkaline phosphatase, cellulase and catalase and soil microbial diversity under the conditions of this experiment; and the sufficient irrigation is the premise to improve the soil enzyme activity and microbial diversity in wheat field, especially in the critical period of crop water and fertilizer requirement.
Key words:  organic fertilizer; water stress; soil enzyme activities; microbial diversity; microbial community structure; PCA; LEFSE analysis