ZHANG Yihua.基于机会成本法和生态系统服务价值核算的水资源生态补偿标准研究——以黄河流域为例[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,42(5):108-114.
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内蒙古科技大学 经济与管理学院,内蒙古 包头 014017
【目的】构建黄河流域水资源横向生态补偿标准模型,为黄河流域水资源横向生态补偿标准的确定提供参考。【方法】以黄河流域为研究区,基于成本法度量黄河流域水资源生态补偿标准的下限,基于生态服务价值评估法度量黄河流域水资源生态补偿标准的上限。【结果】2018—2021年,黄河流域上游受补偿区的总成本区间为2 561.49亿~3 121.52亿元,总生态系统服务价值区间为54 857.95亿~58 895.77亿元。补偿区所承担的总生态补偿金额下限为121.84亿~148.48亿元,上限为2 609.38亿~2 801.44亿元。补偿区内各省的分摊比例为山西5.90%,山东50.26%,河南34.39%,陕西9.49%。【结论】本研究的核算结果可反映黄河流域上游所付出的生态保护成本和提供的生态产品价值,可准确反映各省之间的差异。
关键词:  生态补偿标准;机会成本;生态系统服务价值;黄河流域
Determining the Ecological Compensation Standards for Water Resources in the Yellow River Basin Using Opportunity Cost and Ecosystem Service Value Accounting
School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou 014017, China
【Objective】Ecological compensation for water resources is a policy to improve sustainable use of water resources in regional and catchment scales. The purpose of this paper is to present a method to determine the ecological compensation standards for water resources in the Yellow River basin.【Method】The study is based on data collected from 2018—2022 in nine provinces within the basin. The low and upper limit in the ecological compensation standard for water resources in the basin are calculated using the cost method and the ecological service value evaluation method, respectively.【Result】The calculation shows that the total cost of the compensated area in the upstream reach from 2018 to 2021 is in the range of 256 149 to 312 152 million Yuan, and the associated total ecosystem service value is in the range of 5 485 795 to 5 889 577 million Yuan. The lower limit in the total ecological compensation amount in the compensated area ranges from 12 184 to 14 848 million Yuan, and the upper limit varies from 260 938 to 280 144 million Yuan. The provincial contribution to the compensation is 5.90% for Shanxi, 50.26% for Shandong, 34.39% for Henan and 9.49% for Shaanxi.【Conclusion】The accounting results calculated by the proposed method correctly reflect the costs that need to be paid by each province in the upper reaches of the basin in order to protect water resources and improve ecological benefits to the whole basin. The method can be used to determine ecological compensation standards for water resource use in other basins and regions.
Key words:  ecological compensation standard; opportunity cost; ecosystem service; Yellow River basin