引用本文:吴庆峰,郑佳舜,肖 未,等.不同耕作施氮处理对稻田N2O通量和田面水中无机氮的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,42(6):25-32.
WU Qingfeng,ZHENG Jiashun,XIAO Wei,et al.不同耕作施氮处理对稻田N2O通量和田面水中无机氮的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2023,42(6):25-32.
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吴庆峰,郑佳舜,肖 未,李伏生
广西大学 农学院,南宁 530004
【目的】探索不同耕作施氮处理对稻田氧化亚氮(N2O)通量和田面水中无机氮质量浓度的影响。【方法】设置4种耕作方式(免耕T、微耕C、旋耕R和粉垄S)以及2个施氮量(常规施氮225 kg/hm2(N1)和减量施氮150 kg/hm2(N2))的双季水稻田间试验,测定不同时期施用氮肥后稻田N2O通量以及田面水中无机氮质量浓度,分析不同时期施用氮肥后1、3、5 d稻田N2O通量与田面水中无机氮质量浓度之间的关系。【结果】①不同时期施用氮肥后田面水中的铵态氮(NH4+-N)质量浓度较高,施用氮肥后1 d田面水中的NH4+-N快速上升到峰值后迅速下降。分蘖期和孕穗期施用氮肥后,TN1(免耕常规施氮)处理田面水中的NH4+-N较其他处理提高4.7%~532.6%。氮肥作基肥以及在分蘖期和孕穗期施用后,所有处理田面水中的硝态氮(NO3--N)和亚硝态氮(NO2--N)质量浓度较低,NO3--N质量浓度在0.08~0.20 μg/mL,NO2--N质量浓度低于0.12 μg/mL。②氮肥作基肥以及在分蘖期和孕穗期施用后,TN2处理稻田N2O通量较其他处理低。③稻田N2O通量与不同时期施用氮肥后1~5 d田面水中NH4+-N质量浓度显著负相关,相关系数为-0.509~-0.300。【结论】施用氮肥后NH4+-N是田面水中无机氮的主要形态,施用氮肥后1~5 d田面水中的NH4+-N质量浓度显著影响稻田N2O通量。
关键词:  耕作方式;施氮量;无机氮;N2O排放;稻田
Effects of Different Tillage and Nitrogen Applications on N2O Emission and Mineral Nitrogen in Surface Water of Paddy Field
WU Qingfeng, ZHENG Jiashun, XIAO Wei, LI Fusheng
College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
【Objective】Rice in southern China is traditionally grown in paddy fields and improving its fertilizer use efficiency and reducing greenhouse emissions is critical to helping achieve the mandatory goal of zero-increase in agrochemical application without compromising crop yield. This paper presents the findings of an experimental study on combined effect of tillage and nitrogen application on N2O emission and mineral N concentrations in surface water of the paddy fields.【Method】The experiment was conducted in a double-cropping rice field and involved four tillage treatments: zero tillage (T), micro tillage (C), rotary tillage (R), and smash ridging tillage (S). For each tillage treatment, there were two N fertilizations: conventional N application at 1 225 kg/hm2 (N1) and reducing N application to 150 kg/hm2 (N2). N2O emission and mineral N concentration in the surface water in each treatment were measured 1, 3, and 5 days after N fertilization at different growth stages of the rice.【Result】① One day after N fertilization, ammonium concentration in the surface water increased rapidly to a peak one and then declined quickly. In the conventional fertilization (N1) where N was applied at both tillering and booting stage, zero-tillage increased ammonium concentration in the surface water by 4.7%~532.6%, compared to other treatments. Overall, nitrate and nitrite concentrations in the surface water of all treatments were in the range 0.08~0.20 μg/mL and less than 0.12 μg/mL, respectively. ② Reducing N application and applying it as basal fertilization and topdressing at tillering and booting stages, TN2 reduced N2O emission more than other tillage treatments. ③ N2O emission was negatively correlated to ammonium concentration in the surface water 1~5 days after N fertilization, with the correlation coefficient varying from -0.300~-0.509, depending on the timing of the fertilization. 【Conclusion】After N fertilization, ammonium became the primary inorganic nitrogen in the surface water. Ammonium concentration of the surface water 1~5 days after the fertilization impacted N2O emissions, irrespective of the timing of the fertilization.
Key words:  tillage method; nitrogen rate; inorganic nitrogen; N2O emission; paddy soil